Chapter 9

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I woke and the first thing I see is Jungkook lying on the bench in front of mine and he's just staring at me! His soft gaze, his beautiful eyes looking straight into mine in such a way that the distance between us felt none existent. At first I just sleepily stared back but then he smirked and my eyes widened as I came back to my senses.
My heart skipped a beat and I almost jumped up suddenly awake. He gave me heart attack! But that was some way to wake up, huh? How long had even been staring at me like that as I slept and what's with his constant flirty looks.
"Yoongi she's awake!" Jungkook called casually without shifting from his sidewards position from where he kept his gaze comfortably at me.
I looked around and saw Yoongi half asleep sitting on the stairs. He then looked up towards me like a sleepy little kitten and mumbled, "took you long enough, why'd you even need to sleep that long?"
'Look whose talking sleepy head,' I thought. "Why? what is it?" I asked.
"Come here for a bit I need to talk to you." Suga said making Jungkook instantly sit up and look at him with an irritated angry glance. "I'm not taking her anywhere, just give me a moment to talk to her alone!"
"Why alone?" He said while glaring at him.
"What does it matter to you anyways, just give me a moment, okay!"
"Ignore him, I'm coming," I interrupted while standing up before their argument could turn into an unnecessary fight. I followed Suga outside the hut into warm daylight until we were far enough for Jungkook to hear anything.
"So what did you think about trusting him?" He asked, "he's being to stubborn but I guess he can be trusted."
"Well he did save my life but...if only he wasn't so short tempered and aggressive, he nearly punched me in the face last time."
"So you think its a bad idea...well just being on the honest side, I wouldn't really say I'm any better than him. So it doesn't make a difference who you choose as your company to help you."
"I guess as long as he agrees to help me back I don't have a problem."
"Yeah, exactly, even if he bothers you you know how to call me right?"
"I guess," I say unsurely.
"Good then I'll just throw all the responsibility over him and be off." Well, I guess this guy has some things in common with the Suga I'm a fan of, he's super lazy and wants nothing to do with responsibility. "So I guess its goodbye for now... Just remember if anything happens, I'll be there to help you, so don't worry, I'm sure there's a good side to that kid."
"Yeah okay...bye for now then," I say awkwardly as I wasn't sure how to bid farewell to him. After some hesitation I awkwardly extended my shaky hand to him. How can I skip the chance to touch his fair, soft vainy hands even if he isn't the real Suga, I'm sure he still feels the same since he is physically identical. He expressionlessly took my hand and left it with one shake but just touching him made me forget how to breathe and I literally stood frozen in that position even after he let go, turned around and walked away.
I then took a deep breath, calmed myself down and went back to Jungkook. "You promise to help me get out of here right," I said while standing rigidly before him and staring at the floor. I'm so not gonna look at him because his looks only drive me mad.
"Sure, pinky promise," he said in an honestly sweet voice as he stepped forth and displayed his pinky before me. I only looked up just to stare at his hand as my heart raced and then without being able to help myself, my eyes darted further up to look at his adorable smiling face before me. My heart skipped a beat and my cheeks burned as I turned my gaze back to his hand. Should I or should I not. "How about you cross your heart instead... I'm still not sure if I should trust you but I'm just giving you a chance for saving me," I finally said.
"Fine, I promise to help you get back home, cross my heart," he said while doing the cross over his chest gesture like a child. Its strange, I'm getting a completely different vibe out of him compared to last night. Can a person really change so much overnight? Or is he just pretending to be good? Or maybe he's turns evil at night and is good at a wearwolf! Just kidding, forgive me, lol.
"So what are you planning to do?" I ask, "Do you know how to get me back or what to do?"
"No...but I know place where I can find all the answers!" He announced right before he grabbed my wrist and started marching to a certain direction.

It took a little roaming around but we finally found our way to a big old fashioned library. "We can easily find answers here," Jungkook announced once we were in the enormous library full of millions of books.
"Easily? Doesn't this world have internet and Google or anything? There's no way I'm scanning through a hundred books in search for answers!"
Jungkook grinned, softly laughing at me with the cutest expression. His shiny bunny teeth exposed, his upper lip vanished and his eyes getting wrinkly. My heart must have fluttered for the millionth time by now just by looking at him. When was I going to get used to him?
"What's so funny?" I ask.
"You're what's funny. You still don't know how this world works, right?"
"What do you mean? What don't I know?"
"You haven't eaten in quite a while right," he suddenly ask while still grinning adorably, "do you want some chocolate?"
"Uh...sure I guess."
"Which one do you like?"
"Why which one do you have?"
"First tell me your favourite."
"Fine, I like almond choco balls," I state.
"Okie," he says as he starts to look into the nearest bookshelf."
"Um...what are you doing?" I ask confused.
"Ah! Found it," he exclaimed as he pulled out a pack of my favourite Chico balls from behind some books. "Here," he said giving them to me.
"How did..." I couldn't even ask properly because that's how astounded I was.
"This is how the world works," he states as I eat the chocolate, "if you want something, you can look for it while thinking of it and you'll end up finding it. If you want to get someplace, you only have to roam around before the place gets to you. This whole work works by the power of our thoughts, wants and will."
" this place really is like an actual dreamworld."
"It very well could be, to us your world is like an unreal dream to us. Its said that when you people from the real world dream, you are actually seeing a glimpse of this world," he explained.
"So to find answers I just look around for a book called 'how to get back to the real world' and I'll find it?"
"If a book like that exits then sure."
"And if it doesn't?"
"Then let's hope to fine the closest thing we can to our answers," he said with an encouraging smile. I unconsciously started smiling back at him but I'm glad he didn't say anything to me to make me feel uncomfortable or embarrassed about it. "Just start by picking out random books and try to find clues in them. Grab whatever you feel is relevant and skim through it."
He then took some books and sat behind a table in the library. Out of nowhere he suddenly pulled out round, Harry potter-like glasses and put them on. He then opened one of the books and started reading. He needs glasses to read in this world too, I thought, its strange how there are actual similarities between the two Jungkooks from this world and the real world. I wonder if there's actually some kind of connection between them?
Anyways, right now I have to focus on finding a way to get home. I took a deep breath and said to myself, "okay. Let's begin."

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