chapter 7

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I woke up after I don't know how long and guess what! I was still in the closet all tied up. It was all quite outside now. I guess Suga failed to find me in here and he just left. I felt disappointed but then I also felt glad I didn't wake up somewhere else that could have been worse.
I heard the TV turn on outside and followed by slurping sounds. I can't believe it, Jungkook is still here! I thought maybe he left or something happened to him, that's why no one got me out of here but no, he's here eating something while watching TV and I'm just locked here. Did he forget putting me here or something?
I made an effort and managed to kick open the closet door. I saw Jungkook's head turn from the TV to me as if he was startled. He stared at me, sitting on the edge of his bed with noodles hanging out of his mouth but then he casually turned around and continued eating his noodles. Unbelievable! I felt enraged at this attitude and began to move out in anyway I could. I awkwardly crawled out and tried to scream and yell and kick and punch the air or other things around me to get his attention. He kept on ignoring me till he was finally finished eating. He put the empty bowl aside and came to me and removed the price of clothing around my mouth.
At first I just took deep breaths of fresh air, though not really fresh but I felt grateful for the oxygen in the room. Then finally I cried out, "why are you doing this to me?" I was shocked to hear how miserable and cranky I sounded. Tears fell out of my eyes as I waited for an explanation but it never came. "Untie me please!" He hesitated at first but then he freed my arms and legs.
I got up and began to yell my questions at him once more, "Now tell me, why did you bring me here? What is that you want?" As usual he didn't answer. He just looked around avoiding eye contact. "Answer me I beg you! What do you want from me!?"
"I don't know!" He replied, shutting me up, "its just why did you call for my name"
What? What is he talking abo...oh wait, is it the thing Jin told me, the voice of my heart thing. "You mean that voice from my heart that you heard?" I asked calmly for once. He nodded and then I said, "did you really bring me here because of that! First I didn't call for you on purpose and second even if I did...its not like you are the Jungkook I was thinking of."
Something about him suddenly changed. "What do you mean," he whispered darkly with a serious and changed expression.
"I mean you are not even the real Jungkook so..." Before I could finish, Jungkook had suddenly pushed me hard against the nearest wall. I was startled and then I noticed that he was glaring at me with wrathful rage.
"I'm not the real Jungkook?" He whispered through gritted teeth, "You know nothing! You know nothing about this real Jungkook... I AM THE REAL JUNGKOOK!" He yelled angrily. I was frightened, I just froze there. I even stopped breathing. I saw him raise a shaky fist up at me but he was trying to hold himself back, only his anger was too much that he couldn't.
BAM! He punched the wall right next to my ear with all his strength giving me a start. I stood shivering, squeezed against the wall while he finally backed away. I didn't understand a thing, what was going on? Why was he angry like this? What did I say? He kicked away the chair had that it flipped across the room and then he picked up his noodle bowl and threw it at a wall that it shattered into pieces. Then he went to the wall on front of me beside the TV and he leaned his head on the wall with his back turned on me. While he was having am emotional breakdown I realized that I had the perfect opportunity to run away! The window was right next to me and it was unlocked all I had to do was push it and just run for it.
I didn't hesitate, didn't think twice, I just went for it. I pounced towards the window, pushed it open and dashed straight out. I didn't turn to look back but I knew he would have instantly noticed me run and would have followed me. I used all the strength I had in my legs and ran and ran as far as I could go with maximum speed. I raced across some kind of fields and gardens in the middle of the night under a bright big moon. I saw a road shimmering in the moonlight and decided to head for it so that atleast I won't be lost in the wilderness of this creepy world.
Then I decided to look back to see whether I was even being followed and I saw nothing but abandoned empty land with no sign of life. I slowed down, surprised that I had managed to outrun Jungkook who is actually a shockingly fast racer. Then I turned my head back forward and I came to an instant halt. Jungkook stood right in front of me! How did he? It wasn't humanly possible! Can people teleport in this world? I didn't care, I didn't have time to think, I just turned around and continued to run but he grabbed my arm.
"Let go!" I yelled, my voice echoed.
"Whee do you think you are going?"
"What's it to you!?"
"You want to run into danger?"
"Just go away, I don't need you!" I screamed and he suddenly released me. He just stared at me. It seemed as if I had hurt his feelings... As if, I thought and decided to continue running while I still have the chance.
I finally reached the road and I stopped and just stood in the middle of it. I looked back, Jungkook was no where to be seen. I looked around I was all alone. The road was empty and never ending, I saw no destination on either side. I didn't get what to do. I felt stuck in such a mess. I sat on my knees and just started crying. I felt so lost, confused and lonely. There was no one I could first nothing I could do.
Suddenly rustling noises of the grass came from behind me and then before I could turn around, I heard growling sound of an animal... I recognized it immediately. The beasts had found me!

Woohoo! Cliffhanger! You excited to read more plz give lots of votes and comment about how you like the story so far. I have a lot planned and there's a long way to go so plz keep reading, keep voting and keep supporting me!
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