Ch.3 Suspicion

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Jhope rushed home hurriedly after getting out of the classroom. He made it to the front steps of where he lives with this parents and panted heavily as he went to go swing the door open.

"Mom, dad! I'm here," he shouted with a tired expression on his face.

His parents were sitting at the marble kitchen table enjoying a coffee together as they conversed important matters. They both looked irritated and shocked as he popped in.

"Where were you? Why didn't you call us?" His mom nagged. She tucked a strand of her mid length black hair behind her ear and folded her arms.

"You didn't take your blood tablet did you?" His father said harshly as he eyed his appearance, noticing his fangs protruding and his pale skin.

"No, I'm sorry. I got locked in a classroom over night, I was just let out now and well... my bag was in my locker with my phone and tablets. So I wasn't able to call you guys, I swear it's the truth. You can ask my teacher and Sophia," he explained as he bowed to them both. He went to the cupboard to grab a glass for water.

"See, I told you this school would be no good, but no, you just had to transfer to a human filled school because of your silly little hobby," his mother argued with a pouty face. She handed him a blood tablet at the same time that she scolded him and let out a sigh.

Jhope took the tablet and swallowed it with the water he filled in his glass, making him appear human like once more. "It's fine mom don't worry, I'm sure it was an accident. And dancing is not a silly hobby! It's my life, plus I'm quite popular, people knew me at this school-" he was cut off by his father.

"Uh, who's Sophia?" He cleared his throat and raised his eyebrow with a suspicious look.

"Sophia... is my teacher," he lied as he started to walk to his room with his school bag slumped over his right shoulder.

"But you said ask your teacher or Sophia. Spit it, what were you doing out this late." His father demanded while bringing his hand facing upwards to form a fireball in his palm.

Jhope stopped walking and turned to face his parents again.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! Fuck why'd I mention her!? Guess I'll just tell them, fuck they'll never have trust in me again.

"Well, I didn't get locked in the  class alone. I got locked in with her, she's a friend, nothing you have to worry about."

"Oh? Nothing to worry about? Look how you came back, you sure about that?" His mother said with a smirk after putting her coffee mug down gently.

"Yeah, everything's fine I swear. Anyways, I have to get back to school before class starts so I'm a bit in a rush." He ran off to his room to get himself ready despite being exhausted from running home.

"I hope his little friend didn't find out he's a vampire, that could be bad for us. From the looks of it she must of found out though," his mother whispered to his father.

"Yeah, we'll see." His father responded.

---------Sophia pov--- getting home-----
Sophia dashed to her place as fast as she could, leaving a confused expression upon people walking by. She swung the door open, startling her mother who was in the kitchen working on some coffee blends.

"Soph! Where the hell were you? I was so worried, I thought you got kidnapped!" Her mother ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry, I got locked in a classroom over night. Don't worry about it, anyways I have to get ready so I can get back on time.

"Aigoo, is my Sophia okay, are you sure? You look awfully pale. Her have some coffee, it's a new flavour, I call it Vampire Bite!" She said as she rushed over to her with a cup of steamy hot coffee.

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