Ch. 10 Jin

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Next day at school----

Sophia reluctantly got out of bed and stopped her annoying alarm from hurting her ears.

"Achoo!" She sneezed.

Crap I caught a cold from the rain the other day. Maybe I'll just do the test and go home. Hopefully I pass, I should.

She slipped her uniform on and tied her hair up into a high ponytail. She put on a little bit of chapstick , not caring to put any makeup on since she didn't feel well and headed downstairs.

"Hey Sophia you don't look too well," her mother eyed her sluggish movements as she made her way to the kitchen table.

"Yeah, I don't feel well. I think I have fever a bit," she replied, bringing her hand up to her forehead to check her temperature.

"Are you sure you want to go today? You can stay home if you want," she offered, handing her a warm mug of honey lemon tea to make her feel better.

"Yeah I have a test. I actually studied, I have to go," she sighed into her mug as she felt the warm steam hit her face.

"Oh really? You better do well then, I'm guessing your friend helped you study that you've been hanging out with recently," her mother said slyly.

"Yeah. He's really nice," she smiled as she thought of Jhope.

"I can see that," her mother realized the slight bruisings on her neck, automatically thinking they do more than study.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh you know, I just observed from the cash at the cafe," she said cheekily.

"Oh, right," she took a sip of her tea, it soothing her throat gently.

"So you wanna tell me what those marks are," her mother asked her with her arms folded across her chest.

Oh shit, what am I going to tell her. She's not that stupid.

"Well... when I went dancing yesterday I accidentally fell and yeah," she tried coming up with an excuse, not a very believable one.

"Riiiight," her mother didn't buy her bullshit but decided to drop the conversation anyways.

"Well, see you later mom, have fun at the cafe," said softly, quickly running upstairs to grab her school bag and cover her marks with a bit of coverup.

She arrived at school on time and quickly went to shove her bag in her locker. With no energy she walked to the roof to spend what time she had left before class in the relaxing area. She pulled her legs closer to herself as she rested her chin on her knees.

"Good morning," Jhope said quietly as he sat beside her.

"Morning she said weakly," she lifted her head up slowly to meet his gaze.

"You okay?"

"I'm sick."

"Aw, that sucks. From the rain hunh?"

"Yeah, I might go home after doing the test," she told him.

"Do you want me to walk you back after the test?" He asked thoughtfully.

"No it's okay, I'll be fine. You shouldn't miss out on any of your classes because of me."

"You sure you'll make it back fine?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it."

"Hey guys," Jimin approached them then sat next to Sophia.

"Morning Chim Chim," Sophia said with a weak smile.

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