74. Sick

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The next morning——-

Sophia woke up, her eyes still closed tired from the wild night. She rolled over to her side realizing she wasn't alone in bed. She could feel his soft breathing on her face. It wasn't Hoseok however, she could tell by his scent, it was Jackson. She opened her eyes slowly to see him completely naked lying next to her, she was even more confused when she realized that it wasn't her bedroom but his.

What am I doing here? What happened last night?

She sat up and realized she was undressed as well.

What the fuck? Shit, did we fuck last night? Oh god~~ my head hurts. Ughhhh I feel nauseous too, maybe from all the alcohol.

She brought her hand up to her head and cringed trying to remember all that happened last night. She was about to get up from the bed until Jackson woke up, startling her when he grabbed her wrist, pulling her back to his chest.

"Where are you running off to?" He asked her with a deep husky voice.

"I have to go to school. What time is it?" She asked annoyed with him. She got out of his grasp and looked around for her cellphone. Then quickly remembering Hoseok took it from her last night she sighed.

"You can take a day off of school, it's not like you haven't been," Jackson chuckled. He got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash up, "wanna take a shower with me?"

"No, it's okay, go ahead," Sophia said as she got out of bed and dressed herself in some of Jackson's clothing since she didn't want to wear a dress and so on. Once she heard the water running, she decided to go through Jackson's phone to contact Hoseok by texting her cellphone.

Hoseok pov——

He woke up from the text noise from Sophia's phone, naturally he looked over to see who it was.

—Jackson—hey! It's Sophia, I'm using Jackson's phone to text you rn cuz I know you have my phone Hoseok

I wonder if she remembers last night.

Hoseok kept thinking back to all those hurtful words she said to him and the whole setup he was sure Jackson, the demons and his parents planned. He knew very well that his parents as well as Jackson didn't want them together. He almost didn't feel like responding to her text, but still did because he still loved her.

—-Sophia—-Hey, yeah I have your cellphone, come and get it if you want it

—-Jackson—-fine, I'm coming, where are you rn? That girl's place?

—-Sophia—- No, I'm at your place, I'm with Yoongi and Namjoon. Your mother still hasn't come back either. Jimin is here too rn, he's worried about you. I'm guessing you're at Jackson's place considering you're using his cellphone

—-Jackson—-yeah I am. I'm on my way there, we have to get ready for school after all.

Sophia found a random bag and put all of her belongings she had in it and headed out the door in shorts and a baggy t-shirt, not even wearing anything on her feet because heels hurt too much and Jackson's shoes were too big for her. She without realizing took Jackson's phone with her as well.

At her place——-

She walked in and saw Jimin sitting at the kitchen table, Yoongi next to him. Namjoon was still resting in the bed upstairs and Hoseok was getting ready for school in Sophia's room.

"Sophia!" Jimin shouted when he saw her, "why are you dressed like that?"

Hoseok could hear what Jimin said from the room, making him curious as to what he meant. He peaked his head out of the room and looked downstairs to see her dressed in another man's clothes. It ticked him off.

"Sure~ I'm the one cheating on you but you come back home dressed like this!" He said loud enough for them to hear from downstairs.

Sophia rolled her eyes, "how about you try wearing a dress and high heels okay!"

"I fucking did if you don't remember, and last time that happened it was a similar situation, because of Jackson!" Hoseok stormed downstairs with his schoolbag to face Sophia, trying to hold back his anger.

"I don't even like him okay!" Sophia said crossing her arms.

"But it's okay to go and sleep with him then?!" He looked her up and down, "you even smell like him now."

"You know what, I think we really do need some time apart," Sophia said pushing him aside, going upstairs to change into her school clothing.

"Fine!" he shouted. He walked over to Jimin and Yoongi and handed them her cellphone, "here's her cellphone, you can give it back to her."

"What exactly happened last night?" Jimin was confused, he didn't like seeing them this way, he wanted them to be together.

"What happened last night? You can ask her, that's if she remembers even," Hoseok didn't have any patience left to sit down and explain. He figured it was pointless since Jimin would most likely take her side anyways.

"Bro c'mon it was probably all a misunderstanding," Yoongi sighed.

"It was, it is... but seeing how quickly she moved on over to Jackson... I don't know what to think anymore," Hoseok started to walk upstairs to her bedroom, "don't mind me, I'm just gonna pack my shit and leave if that's what you want."

"Go right ahead Hoseok, my life was fine before you came into it, look at this mess now, none of it would have ever happened if you just stayed where you came from," she said as she fixed her red hair that had faded to an orangey brown into a high ponytail.

"You're right, I'm sorry for ruining your life Sophia, I'll disappear out of your life if it's what you want," he was packing all of his stuff up while holding back his tears.

"Where's my cellphone?" Sophia asked, not wanting to reply how she truly felt about the whole situation.

"Come get it," Hoseok smirked, he didn't have it on him but he wanted to cause a fuss, get her to get near him.

"I bet you that you don't even have it on you is that right?" She finished tying her hair up, revealing a hickey on the back of her neck.

Hoseok became even more annoyed seeing this, he was going to kill Jackson. "You might want to leave your hair down Sophia."

"Why? Hey, you didn't answer my question," Sophia started to try and search his pockets for her phone. Resulting in Sophia pushing him back onto the bed.

"Your phone is on the table downstairs," he flipped her onto the bed so he had control of her instead, he held her arms above her head to stop her from squirming around.

"Let go of me, it's over Hoseok," she said, not being able to look at him in the eyes.

"Just let me do this one last time," he whispered in her ear.

"Do what?" She said, her heart beating heavy in her chest. 

He grazed his fangs against her neck, ready to bite her, "This is what I need right now before I go," he sank his fangs into her neck, sucking on her neck, tasting the blood that makes every vampire go crazy.

Sophia let him continue what he was doing when she felt a warm drop of water fall on her neck. She realized he was crying. He finished her off with a heavy heart, it was really goodbye, he took his bags and walked out the door without looking back, leaving Sophia on the bed in a troubled state.

"Bye guys," Hoseok said to the other two in the kitchen, too fast for them to even follow after him, he left and headed back home.

Sophia pov—-

She started to cry on her bed. She couldn't believe all that just happened. He was really gone for good.

Suddenly Sophia got up and ran to the bathroom.

Ugh, why am I feeling nauseous again? Shit what the hell. I didn't drink that much.... no... unless.... no, it couldn't be that, am I pregnant?

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