Ch. 77 Be Careful What You Wish For

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—-The next morning

Sophia woke up suddenly and ran to the bathroom, automatically throwing up when she reached the toilet bowl.

"Sophia, you okay?" Jackson yawned after waking up from her sudden absence.

"It's okay, don't worry about me, I'm-" she half responded as she started to hurl again.

"Was it the food from last night? Geez, I didn't think it was that bad, I know the seagulls didn't even touch it either but-" Jackson joked.

"No, it's not that, " Sophia sighed. She finished throwing up and started to wash up, first closing the bathroom door and locking it because she wanted some privacy.

If I actually am pregnant... what will I do about school? Everything!? Shit, at least school is almost over.... and shit, how am I supposed to explain yesterday? It was an angel that came down from the heavens to rescue me?! Ha.

Sophia turned on the shower and began to lather her hair with shampoo, singing despacito at the top of her lungs because she just felt like it.

Jackson fell back asleep, making it easier for her to do what she wanted.

Hoseok pov——

He was hung over, but still needed to make it on time for his audition to join one of the largest companies ever, he decided to pursue his passions instead of following others' dreams like society wishes teens to do.

He quickly got ready, not thinking too much about what he wore since he looked good in everything. He put on a white sleeveless shirt and a pair of shorts covered in an army pattern. Hoseok had put his red hair back, revealing his forehead and threw on a black and green snapback, completing his look nicely.

There was so many people at the company audition today from all over surprisingly. When he walked in, there was around twenty desks with a man and woman giving out the numbers to the people auditioning as well as them taking down your information and what you're auditioning for.

"Jung Hosoek," the woman said as she handed him the number tag, "here you go, good luck. You're number 134340." She blushed knowing who he was, a lot of people knew Hoseok.

"Thanks," he smiled and went to sit down in the vast waiting room. He heard people practicing their singing, saw others warm up before dancing and rappers free styling in their friend groups.

"Hoseok!" He was surprised when he heard a few voices call out to him.

"Hey! Why are you guys here?" Hoseok saw their numbers and name tags which read out Taehyung, Jungkook, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin. They went up to him happily.

"There's a whole bunch of people auditioning, not just you bro. Dancing, singing, rapping and even acting," Tae said snapping his fingers, "Im gonna sing! By the way I feel so honoured to meet with you, I've watched a lot of your dance videos online, I hope you get chosen."

"Thanks, I wish you guys luck as well," Hoseok said to the group of handsome looking men.

——last night

Sophia was waiting for Jackson to return at the beach. She was sitting on the rock listening to the soothing sound of the waves crashing. She stared into the distance, her vision blurred from her tears.

Why can't my life just be normal, why did I let myself get into this. I'm such an idiot, I want to go back, back to that day... so I can stop all of this from happening.

Suddenly Sophia looked up at the sky and saw a shooting star fall fast and brightly.

"I wish my life was back to how it should be!" Sophia shouted at the sky. She closed her eyes and opened them again because she felt an odd sensation.

She opened her eyes and realized that the sea's vast waters were calm, no motion; the wind was absent as well as people from a mile and so on away. Time had stopped, her universe felt dream like and dead. The only person standing before her was Jin. However he wasn't drunk or holding his guitar, he had a serious face painted on, papers and a pen in hand. He was here for business.

"Jin? What's happening... I don't understand," Sophia wiped away her tears.

"You made a wish upon the stars, don't get me started... it's a whole other universe of its own," Jin said with a straight face.

"And what do you have to do with it?" Sophia wondered.

"There's many things you still don't know about me Sophia, I'll leave it at that," he explained, "first I need you to sign a few things." He handed her the pen and a few papers.

"Wait, what is this? Why are-"

"You made a wish, it's my job to-" Jin was cut off by her.

"You're telling me that you can make my wish come true?"

"Yes, I being who I am can make things happen that you can't even imagine, however you only have one X left, this will be your last X I do for you-" he was stopped again.

"What are you saying? What do you mean? Did you hit your head too hard back there?!" Sophia felt her heart rate go up, it was too much info to take in in the state she was in.

"I can't tell you what you can't know my dear, in time... in time," Jin sighed with a small smile.

"So I just sign these papers here and I get my life back?" Sophia said with hope in her eyes.

"Yes but... there are-" Jin was cut off by her again.

"Here you go, I signed them," she said ready to have a nice fresh start. She frantically handed him the papers and pen.

"Let me just tell you that a wish isn't everything you wished for, some other things apply such as fate and destined paths," Jin explained, "anyways you'll see, from now on, life will be different for you and this timeline you created."

"Thanks Jin," She said happily as she saw the waves beginning to return to their normal state again.

"No. Thank you for making this deal with the stars, we appreciate it. I'll get going now, I have things to take care of, take care.

Jin vanished with a staticky wisp, leaving Sophia in this new world caught in a haze.

Jin pov——

You shouldn't have thanked me Sophia, I think you'll regret this more than the way you were living before. Maybe I should have let fate those two times come to you as it should. However... You deserved better... good luck out there Sophia.

Presently—-Sophia pov—-

She got a text on her phone from Yoongi.

—Yoongi——Hey! Guess what, I just met THE Jung Hoseok, p.s. there's this other guy named Jimin and he's so fucking hot and cute uwu

She stared at her phone in confusion. Then it hit her, she had flashbacks of last night. Her mother texted her as well.

—-mom—- Sophia! Where are you? Why didn't you come home last night again?!

—-dad—-Sophia! Get your ass back home now or we won't let you go for the audition today. Love you~

Sophia didn't know how to respond to these texts, another thing making her eyes widen was the fact that her hair was long and dyed black; she didn't have her vampire instincts, birthmark or powers either. She looked in the giant mirror at her reflection, she couldn't even breathe when she came to her senses and realized she was covered in bruises.

What kind of life is this?.... guess this is why they say be careful what you wish for....

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