Ch. 59 Blindfold

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"Sophia, Sophia what's wrong?! What happened?" Hoseok started to panic seeing Sophia started crying after the phone call. Their time was almost up, the other group was finishing up their performance fast.

"Hoseok, my dad... my dad's gone, he's dead," Sophia started crying into her hands, not caring about the other dancers looking at her with concern and confusion.

"Are you fucking kidding me," he sighed, "why now of all times," he held her close to comfort her, he saw how broken she looked from the news.

"Group 7! You're up next," the mc spoke cheerfully through the loud applause from the performance that had just ended. The group was bowing and started to walk off the stage.

"Sophia, it's okay if you can't perform right now. We can always go next year," Hoseok spoke softly as he held her face with his hands, he cared more for his girlfriend than anything else even if it was dance.

"No, I'm gonna perform, we'll do it. I'll make my father proud... he's watching from above," Sophia said as she stood up from her seat with fire in her eyes.

"Alright, if you can do it, then let's go," he stood up from his seat as well, taking her by the hand and walking with her to the stage, "we'll do more research into it later, I'm sure he didn't die like that... it must have been the demons. We should get those necklaces too to be safer."

"For sure, they better prepare for the beating they'll get from me," Sophia was pissed and still had some tears rolling down her cheek, she looked a bit like a mess since she was wearing makeup, smudged from the tears, but it was still presentable enough and made it look like it could have been done purposely for their performance.

"Oh don't worry, I'll give them a nice beating as well," he smirked evilly. He looked over at Sophia and saw her eyes started glowing again since she was so fired up.

"Sophia, tone it down a bit, your eyes are glowing," he chuckled, "you'll scare the audience away," he hugged her one last time before they entered from backstage to the front.

"Omg Jhope! Jhope! Yeahahhhahaha!!!" The crowd went wild as they made it to the centre of the stage, even crazier than when Crimson Shadow went on stage. Some fans started whispering and snickering however since he was dancing with a girl, the fans didn't really like that he was with her. As they were beginning the performance, they realized that Crimson Shadow made it back to their seats finally, Hoseok started to become more skeptical of them.

The lights dimmed slightly for their performance, they started off back to back facing the walls with their heads lowered. The music finally queued, the song they chose had a sexy rnb beat with a bit of a kick, making their performance even more interesting to watch. It was a song where both Yoongi and Namjoon were rapping in, with a bit of Namjoon's singing. They started off with very sharp moves then transitioning into more fluid movements, their facial expressions matching with the emotion and feeling of the song beautifully. Especially Sophia, since she had so many emotions up in her head at the moment, it came to her advantage, instead of getting distracted and breaking down crying, she made the dance have more feeling to it.

"Guys, do you think they'll beat us?" JinHong asked, mesmerized by the performance, the glittery clothing they were wearing must have caught his attention as well, they looked damn fine for the amount of effort they put in their clothing and makeup.

"It's possible, but we have more of an advantage since we're three, we were able to do more things in our choreography," his brother said, still eyes glued to their performance as well.

"It would be a shame if someone were to-" SaRin said with attitude sarcastically, she was cut off by an angry JinHong.

"SaRin stop! Just let them dance, don't do anything stupid," JinHong didn't want her to ruin the performance, he was truly enjoying it and had become interested in Sophia, he didn't know why but he started seeing her in a different way. SaRin became flustered and stormed off saying she had to use the bathroom.

Suddenly as SaRin was walking to the bathroom she ran into Jungkook, Taehyung, Hyuna and Jackson, making her roll her eyes.

"Hey! Did they start yet? Did you guys go yet?" Jackson asked happily and a bit worried that they already performed.

"You missed our performance, their performance started a minute ago, you're missing it," She sighed and continued to walk away to the restroom and smoke a cigarette.

She was alone in the bathroom, or so she thought she was. A hooded figure approached her from the back and spoke softly, still giving off an aura which made her uncomfortable.

"It was you wasn't it, you're one of them," the woman in the hood said, trying to hold back her anger and tears.

"What? Who the fuck are you?" SaRin said as she put her cigarette out in the sink, coughing from inhaling her last puff of smoke.

Suddenly the hooded woman brought a knife up to SaRin's throat, catching her off guard and cutting her slightly before she used her powers to teleport away.

"That's right you can disappear all you want, but I still got you, just wait and see," the hooded woman said before taking off herself, shoving the knife and her robe into the garbage can of the bathroom.

Sophia and Jhope pov——-

They finally finished the performance, the crowd loved it so much that there was a standing ovation. Luckily Jackson, Jungkook, Taehyung and Hyuna saw the last 2 minutes or so of it.

Sophia and Jhope especially made the crowd go wild when they ended their performance with a kiss, it even made the judges blush. When they finished, they held hands and bowed before exiting the stage and returning to their seats. Sophia finally had the chance to ask JinHong why he was in her brother's room that day.

"That was amazing guys!" JinHong said to the both of them.

"Thanks, you guys were amazing too! By the way JinHong, you weren't hanging out with my brother that day, he wasn't even home, why were you in his room," Sophia asked with a raised brow.

"Oh~ yeah, that day I went to your place to see if your bro wanted to hang out with me but then I realized the door was left open so I just walked in. I went up to his room to see if he was there and it was empty, nobody was home. I was just sitting around in his room thinking he'd come back soon but then you guys came in-" he was cut off by Hoseok who didn't believe a word he said.

"Do you know where he is right now?" Hoseok stared into his eyes intensely to make him feel intimidated, wasn't working.

"No, I tried calling but he didn't answer me, I have no clue where he could be," he lied. He was aware that he was sucked into a Heaven portal and aware that it must have been the same story for Jin and Namjoon.

"Shit, where the fuck is he?" Sophia sighed again, a tear trickling down her cheek remembering her father, "Hoseok, after this, we need to go to the hospital and meet with mom."

"Hospital, what happened?" JinHong tried to sound like he was oblivious.

"Nothing, it's okay. Don't worry about it, it's personal stuff," Hoseok said as he pulled Sophia into his arms and started petting her head. Number one, he didn't trust that guy at all and number two, he didn't want another Jackson kind of thing to happen again, so he became more protective over her.

"Okay, I understand," JinHong smiled and nodded his head to show he wasn't that much of an asshole.

The next contestant that went up was a solo artist, he wasn't that tall, he was dressed very nicely and had great hair, but what caught the audience off guard was the fact that he had a blindfold on and planned on dancing with the blindfold on.

"Wait what!? He's gonna dance with a blindfold on?!" People said to each other in amazement. It made Sophia curious to see, she lifted her head from Hoseok's chest and saw the guy who was about to dance. Her eyes widened, she didn't expect to recognize the next dancer at all, why didn't he tell her?

"Wait, what the fuck... Jimin!!!"

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