Ch. 79 I Need You

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They both stared at each other in confusion, it just didn't make sense.

"Why do I know your name?" Suddenly Hoseok stormed out of the bathroom and off to somewhere else. Sophia was left in shock to the broken glass before her and decided to get out of the bathroom quickly and make it to her audition. Also, she didn't want attention drawn to her in this way, other people would think she's insane or something if they saw just her and the broken glass.

What the hell was that about? Why did the glass suddenly shatter?

"Sophia get going already! You're up next," her brother shouted at her from a distance.

"Y-Yeah, wish me luck!" She smiled as she waved back at him and the others.

Wait... what am I even dancing to? Shit... I didn't think this through very much, oh well, I guess we'll see what happens.

Sophia shyly walked into the audition room, she was watching someone else finish up their audition in line.

"Next!"the judge shouted, not even letting the poor girl finish her dance. They were really strict and done with the girls auditioning this year, more than half of them danced cutesy and weren't original. Sophia became very nervous seeing they didn't have much patience.

Sophia approached the middle of the room where the girls auditioning were meant to stand. She had her arms behind her back a bit hesitant.

"Introduce yourself," one of the male judges said coldly while flipping through his papers.

"My name is Sophia, my passion is dance and I think I'd be a good contribution to the world of music," she said with a slight bow.

"Did you not bring any music to dance to by the way?" One of the younger femal judges asked, she had short electric blue hair cut short, an interesting character indeed.

"I- well, I figured to show you my skills you can choose the music and I freestyle dance to it," she smiled confidently.

"Interesting, but you are supposed to already choose your music, we might have to skip-" the male judge started saying but was cut off by the blue haired woman.

"No! We'll let her audition," she smiled, "give her some music!" She snapped her fingers making the guy put some music on.

"Fine," he scoffed.

The guy in charge of the music decided he'd have some fun switching the songs up to try and screw Sophia up, but if anything it made the audition better.

The first song that started playing was Do Re Mi by Blackbear. Along with dancing, she was rapping to the song as well, she couldn't help but do both, she was feelin' herself.

Second song that started playing was a more sexy song, Jay Park's You Know, then afterwards Block B bastarz Zero for Conduct started playing followed by some Chris Brown and Tinashe.

Even though it was a cut up scramble mix of songs, it let her be able to show her dancing versatility and wowed the judges.

"Stay there, Sophia... sing," the male judge said adjusting his glasses.

"You want me to sing? I okay, which song do you want me to sing?" Sophia said as she moved her hair out of her face.

"Maybe an Ailee or Beyoncé or Demi Lovato song since that would show what she can do vocally," one judge said to the other.

"Yeah, true. What would you prefer Sophia? I'm sure you know some of their songs don't you?" The blue haired judge said.

"Oh of course I do, I don't know how good I'll do since I haven't really warmed up my voice and all-" she was cut off by the judge.

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