Ch. 42 My Mind says No, but My Body says Yes

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"What?" She answered confused, she thought she heard wrong or something, it didn't make sense to her.

"That's right, I'm Jung Hoseok," he chuckled seeing how confused she was.

"But you're a girl, what are you saying?" She laughed, thinking she was joking or something.

Hoseok pressed the button to deactivate his voice changing necklace then ripped off his wig. He smiled widely as he watched her eyes grow large, "I'm your hope, I'm your angel, Jhope."

"What the! Jhope is in my place? THE Jung Hoseok! I can't believe this... wait, why the hell are you dressed like that?" She said all excited to meet him.

"It's a long story. You really don't remember though hunh?" He sighed heavily drooping his head down.

"Remember what? Is there something I should remember? What is it?" Sophia stared deeply into his eyes waiting for an answer, she was completely mesmerized by his presence.

"Do you remember this?" He put his hands on her shoulders as he came closer to her face.

"Wh-wait, what are you?" Her heart dropped in her chest as his intense gaze met hers. He gently pecked her on the cheek, hoping she wouldn't freak out.

"You know me, not just as Jhope, but Hoseok, we've known each other for a while, it breaks my heart to see you this way," he looked sad telling her this, he didn't know what to do to fix the problem.

"What do you mean? How can this be, I've been dating Jackson though for so long, I don't remember you ever being in my life that way," she blushed from his soft lips touching her delicate skin.

"Sophia, you have to believe me... Jackson is actually a bad guy, he took you away from me and he brainwashed you, controlled your mind and memories so that you wouldn't remember-" he was cut by Sophia standing up and folding her arms, feeling offended that he was insulting Jackson.

"That's crazy! Did you hit your head on something? Did you lose your mind? Jackson is an amazing person he would never do that!" She got mad and couldn't look at his face.

"I swear to God, I'm telling the truth, why else would I be here if it wasn't true?" He tried to persuade her.

"Pervert?" She scoffed. She wanted to walk away, regretting even bringing him here.

"Me? Pervert? Sophia we all know that we're all perverts," he laughed, "but that's not a reason to try and get to you, if I really was a pervert like that don't you think I would have tried something by now."

"I guess... but," Sophia was thinking whether or not she should believe him since she did idolize him after all.

"You have to believe me," he said desperately, "your mother, your father, your brother, your friends... they're all worried for you, we finally found you. A lot has happened the past few weeks, you don't even know how many times I cried for you, broke down and lost my shit over you. I love you Sophia, and you love me, I've been going crazy not being able to be by your side or even feel your touch, I need you back," he went rambling on.

"Hold on! How am I supposed to believe all this?" She held her hands out gesturing for him to stop talking. It was too much for her to take in all at once, leaving her brain boggled.

"Where's the necklace?" Hoseok said getting up from the couch abruptly. He remembered Jungkook telling him about the necklace that hypnotizes people and how Jackson might have taken it.

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