Chapter 3

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Jace and Alec were deep in conversation about what they had found out so far, or hadn't found, since they were as clueless as they were 4 hours ago.

"Ahh, you two must be new, I'm coach Beaste, this is quite the day to start school, we are doing a fitness test today. Now your welcome to opt out and run laps since you haven't been here, but its up to you wether you want to participate or not."

"Oh we defiantly want to participate," Jace said, answering for both of them.

"Yeah, what does that entail?" Alec asked.

Turns out in entailed running 4 quarter-mile laps, doing a hundred yard dash of hurdles, climbing a rope, and throwing a pointy stick into sand (Javelin). All of which Jace and Alec did with perfect grace and agility without so much as breaking a sweat. They also did it better and faster that anyone else had. Ever.

Once the rest of the class was done they formed a crowd around the two amazing boys. "Woah, that was awesome!" "How did you do that" "Will you be my boyfriend" "Are you single" "you should join the track team"

Jace was loving all of the attention, while Alec look extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed. Luckily the bell rang getting him out of that position.

They both had their next class together, Health.

"Ok class, today we are going to continue our discussion on sexual intercourse and the dangers that it holds. Now, it doesn't mater if your a boy or girl, or weather you like men, women, or shrubs, you can get an STD. And people, birth control pills are not all powerful, sometimes they don't work. So always remember to wear a condom." The teacher said bluntly, then proceeded to break into a demonstration of how to use a condom.

Alec and Jace ran out of that class when the bell rung looking extremely horrified.

"Im never going to be able to look at a cucumber the same way again," Alec said.

"We hunt demons for a living, but that was..." Jace didn't need to finish that sentence, for Alec knew exactly what he meant.

"Never speak of it?" Alec asked.

"Agreed. Now, wheres lunch?"

They ended up sitting with that Finn guy.

"So I heard you went all America-ninja-warrior in gym class today," He said looking part amazed, part jealous, and half contemplating why he was even alive.

"I guess," Alec said, he wasn't one for make a big deal out of things.

"Well yeah, the coach said that we did the best, like ever," Jace, however, loved the attention. Alec glared at him.

"So, what do you guys like to do?" The guy in the wheelchair, Artie, Jace had learned, asked.

"Um, well, we spar a lot, and I guess I like to read," Alec said, not loving all of the attention he had been getting the whole day for being the 'Dark-and-handsome-new-boy-with-the-muscles-and-tattoos' or at least that was what he had heard people say.

"Yeah, we spar almost everyday, then, after, we usually hang out if there aren't any jobs to do. We help our parents out with their... pest control business," Jace said, using the cover his clever girlfriend had suggested.

"So whats the deal with you two, are you, like, together?" a self-confident Latina in a cheerleading uniform asked.

Jace chuckled and Alec couldn't stop the small blush that was taking the place of his normal pale skin, "Nah, I don't think my girlfriend would like that very much, or his-," Jace was about to say or his boyfriend for that matter, but he caught himself seeing how Alec was still timid about announcing his relationship with said warlock to the whole wide world. No, Magnus was open enough for the both of them. What he did at his wedding was a one time thing, and was in a room full of people who knew and cared about him, but Jace knew his best friend would be reluctant about releasing the information for no reason, especially not to a bunch of strangers. "Alec's like my brother, his family took me in when I was ten," Jace said.

Alec, who had begun to sub-consiouly hold his breath when Jace started talking, let out a sigh. He would be sure to thank him later for not saying anything about his dating preferences. This was all still new for Alec, and though he loved Magnus, and didn't care who knew it, that didn't mean he had to tell perfect strangers what he hadn't even told his parabatai until a few months ago. He knew it didn't matter what people thought about him, especially not these mundanes, but he had always had an overwhelming desire to be accepted. So even though he had no shame in his love for the warlock, he just let his boyfriend be the one to flaunt their relationship.

"Hey, nice Tatts dudes," an athletic, bad-boy-type guy with a shaved down mohawk said, sitting down at the table.

Alec and Jace had both gotten comments like this throughout the day, at first they were confused, but one quick call to Clary cleared everything up.

"Uh, thanks," Jace said. He wasn't used to people complementing his runes. Everyone he had known had their own, or respected them because they knew what they were for. People here either looked at them distastefully, respectfully, or like they were stupid for permanently marking up their bodies.

"So can you sing?" An asian goth girl asked. The rest of the table looked at her, "What, we're all thinking it!" The whole table then proceeded to stare at Alec and Jace.

"Um, well I've never really had the time, and, I just," Alec laughed nervously, he was not comfortable with being thrust into the spotlight unless he had to be so singing would only be something he did when he was alone, if that. Alec looked to Jace to save him, "I don't think I'd be any good at it."

"Oh, come on Alec, don't be so modest. Isabelle and I have heard you sing in the shower, she said you sing like and angel," Jace said with a smug look on his face.

Alec glared daggers into Jace's face, wishing he could be throwing them, "Well we all know Isabelle is as tone deff," He spoke every word through gritted teeth, not releasing his glare, "as a duck," he gave a half-hearted laugh when Jace flinched at the thought of a duck. Alec continued, "Besides, if you want to shine a light on hidden talents, you should show them some dance moves."

Jace looked shocked, Alec promised to never bring that up. He had tried to plan a romantic night for Clary, and had gone to his parabatai for help. Big mistake. Alec had suggested that he take her to a candle lit dinner, then dancing, and then wrap it all up with a desert picnic on the roof of the institute staring at the stars. That had sounded great at the time, but Jace had made a fool out of himself on the dance floor. He had been reluctant to do anything more than a simple sway back and forth, but Clary had pushed him to let loose and show her some moves. That had ended with 2 iratzes and ice pack on his head. But it was all worth it for the smile that shone on his girlfriends face when she said how much fun the night had been.

"Heh, no, I can't dance," Jace said plainly.

"Thats ok, neither can he," The mohawk guy patted the Finn guy on his back, "We can have Mike whip you into shape in no time."

"Wait, what?" Jace asked confused.

"Well, your coming to Glee rehearsals. We have sectionals coming up and its all hands on deck," It was not a question.

"But, we're not staying. We are leaving in a week, two tops," Jace said, for angels sake he was a shadowhunter, surely he could say no to a couple of mundanes.

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