Chapter 14

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Magnus walked into his physics classroom with a smile on his face. He radiated confidence, something that Mike Chang hardly did. Magnus was beginning to wonder why he had made his alias the type of person who blends into the background, when he himself loved attention.

"What's got you so smug?" Jace asked snapping Magnus out of his day dream.

"Nothing that concerns you," Magnus replied, trying to stop smiling.

"It's Alec isn't it? Please tell me you two didn't do it in a bathroom somewhere," Jace rolled his eyes looking mildly disgusted.

Magnus scoffed, "I would never reduce to that, do you know how many germs are in public bathrooms? Not to mention high school bathrooms," he got goose bumps just thinking about it.

Jace did not get to reply though because their teacher walked in.

"Open your books to page 94, Jace you can look on with Mike," She said turning to write something on the board.

Alec was contemplating skipping gym again, but decided he wouldn't skip what could very well be his favorite class due to a few mundanes. He saw Jace talking and laughing it up with what teen movies would classify as "The Jocks", one of which was the guy who had bumped him in the hallway earlier. The moment the doors shut behind him the room became considerably quieter, those who didn't cease talking were now whispering and quietly giggling with their friends. Alec took a deep breath and kept walking into the gym, ignoring the pit in his stomach. He was used to being looked at oddly, but more of a 'oh-that-poor-confused-boy' kind of look. This was a new feeling, a worse feeling. The Clave disapproved of his relationship, but it had more to do with the fact that his boyfriend was a downworlder and less to do with the fact that he had a boyfriend. Not that they were fond of gayness, but they didn't let their intolerance blind them to the fact that Alec was a capable shadowhunter. His sexuality didn't undermine his abilities and he was still viewed as a capable warrior. Same goes for his age, he looked like a kid and so here he was treated like a kid even though he had seen things, done things that no kid should have to. He thought this assignment would be fun, a little time off with his parabatai, a relaxing vacation from the responsibilities of being the head of the New York Institute, but now he was deeply regretting letting Jace talk him into this.

"Alec!" Jace called from his position in the middle of the circle of 'Jocks' and motioned for his best friend to join him. Alec wasn't going to let a few stupid mundanes make him feel like this. He took a deep breath and walked over to the oblivious blonde who thought everything was just fine. Alec knew that Jace didn't see the looks of distain and disgust that washed over the other boys faces, but he could see it.

He walked over to Jace quietly and stood next to him with his arms behind his back like he usually does. Jace just smiled at him and continued on with his story like nothing had changed.

"Wait- wait," one of the jocks interrupted, laughing, "are-are we really not going to say anything about the fag? I mean come on guys, this is too easy!"

Alec tensed, he had expected that but it still hit him. In a split second Jace's entire demeanor changed, he went from laughing and smiling and being goofy to dark and controlled and scary.

"What did you say?" Jace said in a voice so calm that nobody but Alec saw exactly how deadly he was right now.

"Jace," Alec said in a warning tone.

"What? I mean he sang that girly song to that glittery faggot and he thinks he can just get away with that?" he responded, not seeing the way it was effecting Jace because he was too focused on watching Alec grit his teeth and ball his hands. They could talk about him, but Magnus was off limits. The other boys chuckled in agreement. Jace's jaw was so tight Alec thought his teeth might snap and his hands were balled into fists.

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