Chapter 19

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Two In one day to make up for none in 6 months. Fair? Probably not but it was the best I could do! There isn't a lot of touchy-feely in this chapter but I promise that there will be in one of the next ones!

*The A/N at the end talks about the future of this story so please read it.*

"Brad was a vampire?"

"How did the blonde one and the black haired one take that thing down alone?"

"Why did it want to kill you"

"Are there more of those things?!"

"You're how old?"

Magnus sighed, this was his life. Why he thought it'd be a good idea to immerse himself in teenagers. Thank god he didn't have children.

"Ok, in order: Yes; They have special angel powers; Reasons; Probably not; And around 415, but I don't look it. Now, this is an event I would very much like to forget, so this one time only- ask me anything," Magnus would probably come to regret that, but he was just so beyond caring at that moment.

The whole room was stunned, nobody speaking until Brittany blurted out, "Can you still get me that unicorn?"

The room then sprung into a chorus of questions about him and the downworld despite the rundown he had given them earlier.

"No Puck, I have not considered using my magic to 'poof' ATMs into my home, I make plenty of money fulfilling people's dreams."

"So do turduckens really exist?" Sam asked.

Magnus tilted his head, "It's not an animal, it's a food dish,"

"For 400 you look very youthful and I would just like to know what facial cream you're using?" Rachel asked next.

Magnus sighed, this was going to be a long day.

"So, to conclude, the powerful downworlder was the High Warlock of Brooklyn, who doubles as a high school student, but the threat was the school piano teacher who was a vampire that had a grudge against the Warlock?" Madam Dearborn, the head of the Lima Institute, asked.

"Yes ma'am," Jace said.

She sighed, rubbing her forehead, "I need a drink," She said under her breath, "You both are dismissed, please don't 'help' anymore while your here," She then turned and walked back to her office, presumably to get a drink.

"So, what do you want to do tonight? We could spar, check out some local bars, or some local clubs-" Jace started at ask Alec.

"Uh, actually I have plans," Alec said bluntly, as per usual.

"Oh, right. Well, I'm going to go hit up some clubs, you go bed your man," Jace, being the smart, living person that he was, ran as soon as that sentence left his mouth. Had it not been for the portal that appeared to take Alec to Magnus', Alec would have chased after him.

Alec didn't say anything when he stepped through the portal and found Magnus sitting on the couch, drink in hand. He just walked over to his boyfriend, stood behind the couch where he was sitting, and started to rub his shoulders.

"Mmmm," Magnus hummed, closing his eyes and putting his head back, opening them again to look up at Alec. Alec subconsciously smiled because Magnus' eyes were bright gold and slitted and beautiful.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Alec asked tentatively.

Magnus closed his eyes and sat up, patting the seat next to him, "De Quincy was a tyrannical vampire, a monster. He would host parties for downworlders, with innocent mundanes, children, as the entertainment... and the refreshments. Camille, of course, was always invited and I, being the loyal lapdog that I was, accompanied her. I could barely make it through the night without being sick when we did go, the spectacle was ghastly horrific. De Quincy must have turned hundreds, thousands, even, though I doubt many of them are still around today. One night, towards the rocky end of Camille's hold on me, the Shadowhunters of London brought holy fire down on them. Every last one was either killed or captured eventually. And I-" He choked on a sob, "I did nothing to help them. I just- I mean I just assumed that they were all like De Quincy. I wanted them to be because that was easier than trying to save them. They were just scared children and I- I could have helped them, but I was too wrapped up in my own drama to notice that they were just as terrified of him as his victims. They were his victims." Magnus closed his eyes and leaned his head on Alec's welcoming shoulder trying to pull himself together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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