Chapter 10

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After 30 minutes of planning out their paper, also known as Magnus telling Alec all about the twenties, the bell rang. The freshmen and sophomores had classes ninth period, but most of the juniors and seniors had a free period at that time. Some would stay at school, doing extra studying, and others would just go home, the glee kids went to the glee room. Most of the time.

After class Magnus had said he was going to his locker and that he would meet Alec in the glee room in a bit. It didn't occur to Alec that Magnus didn't need to go to his locker, or even have a locker, due to the fact that he could just make his books appear. Jace, not so reluctantly, went with Alec to the glee room to 'hang'. He was really enjoying this whole school thing way too much.

Kurt was sitting in the glee room talking to Rachel about this weeks vogue cover when the two new kids walked in and sat down in front of them. He was fairly sure that the dark-haired one was gay to begin with, and the song he sang just confirmed his suspicions. He was, however, confused about his relationship with Mike. Kurt would not have thought Mike was gay, even if the boy did sparkle more than twilight vampires. But there was overwhelming evidence to support that the two were in a relationship of some sort. He had only noticed that the two boys, who were extremely handsome and muscular might he add, were talking when he noticed Rachel had stopped to listen. He gave her a look to say, "This is wrong" but couldn't help himself as he too listed to the whispered conversation.

"I honestly think that we're going to be ok, I'm still not very happy about the fact he lied to me about this place, but it has brought us closer. And it helped prove my point that he needs to stop keeping me in the dark about his life. We still have some things to work out, but I love him and I'm never going to stop," Alec confided in his parabatai, who looked overwhelmed at his answer to the simple question "Should I call Izzy?".

"Thats great, Alec, I guess that means I don't have to pummel him for hurting you," He laughed, then his voice turned serious, "I never want you to have to go through the pain of heartbreak,"

Alec pulled his brother into a quick, reassuring side hug. He remembered how distraught Jace was after being told that woman he loved was his sister, the pain that had turned him into a stone, seemingly without emotion. Though Alec knew how badly he was hurting inside, even if no one else saw it, even though Jace tried to hide it, he could feel it. It was an odd feeling to have an emptiness that isn't yours, to feel heartbreak your not experiencing. Jace had finally confided in him after Alec had found him on the rooftop crying, and, Alec supposed, thats why he felt like he had to talk to Jace about these things. So he didn't end up crying on the rooftop, and so Jace didn't worry like he had.

If he didn't know any better, Kurt would have thought that those two were a couple, but the blonde haired one was totally straight. They seemed closer than brothers, like boyfriends, but without all the good parts. All of a sudden Blaine came into the room holding a bouquet of flowers, actually two bouquets. He walked right up to Alec and said, "There's someone waiting for you in the auditorium," he smiled and handed him a bouquet. Kurt felt a small twinge of jealously, but ignored it because he knew Blaine loved him. Alec looked confused but he accepted the bouquet and stood up, casting confused glances at his best friend.

"What was that about?" Kurt asked.

Blaine sat next to him, "Mike planned something for him in the auditorium," He handed the other bouquet to him, "For you my prince," They both smiled at each other.

Alec cautiously walked into the seemingly empty auditorium, looking for any signs of the person he was supposed to be meeting. Suddenly, the lights went on and music started playing. Then Magnus walked out on stage, wearing something more Magnus. Alec walked closer to the stage, Magnus looking at him with an adoring smile.

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