Chapter 18

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The next morning Magnus woke up to a girlish yelp. He opened his eyes just to see Jace standing in the doorway to their bedroom covering his eyes and Alec blushing with an annoyed, confused look on his face, "We weren't doing anything!" Alec said exasperatedly.

"Actually we were doing something, sleeping, until you rudely interrupted," Magnus said pointedly, voice groggy from having just woke up.

"Well, excuse me for not expecting you to be sleeping in the nude!" Jace replied, peeking through his fingers at them.

Alec looked at his parabatai as if he had lost his mind, "We're not naked!" He protested.

"Might as well be, I've seen more of him," Jace pointed to Magnus, "than I ever wanted to," He muttered.

"Well, then, maybe you shouldn't bust into our room without knocking, because next time I'll make sure you see much more," Magnus said, annoyed and amused.

Alec half-heartedly hit Magnus on the arm, rolling his eyes as he said, "You, be quiet, and you," He turned to Jace, "Get out!"

Fifteen minutes later, Alec walked out of the bedroom dressed, showered, and ready for the day, to find Jace rolling on the floor laughing his ass off. Alec cleared his throat making Jace jump up, "Alec, hey, you have to see this!"

"What?" he sighed, knowing that even if he said he wasn't interested, Jace would just show him anyways. He held up his phone and Alec watched as it started to play a video.

The camera was shaky and you could hear giggle from behind it.

"Ahhh, Izzy, demon!" Max yelled, running into the kitchen with a seraph blade.

"What! Where?" She yelped, knocking the pan off the stove.

Max yelled and charged forward and started violently attacking the pile of... whatever that was, "Die, demon scum! Eck, this is the worst smelling demon I've ever killed. Why won't you die!" Max was now on the floor, having knocked over the... black substance, and was stabbing it relentlessly.

Izzy was standing off to the side with a shocked look on her face, that quickly turned to an unimpressed one, "MAX! THOSE WERE PANCAKES! CONGRATULATIONS, YOU KILLED BREAKFAST!," She yelled, waving her arms around, "HAVE FUN CLEANING THIS UP!" She stormed out of the room.

The giggles then turned to outright laughter and Max said, "Did you get it?"

"Yep!" Clary responded.

"In my defense, breakfast was already dead," Max said and then the video cut to black.

"Wha-what did I just watch?" Alec asked, confused and amused.

"Izzy tried to cook," Jace said, that was an explanation for almost any situation someone would witness, and no one ever asked any questions about it because with Izzy in the kitchen, anything could happen.

Alec took in a breath like he was about to speak, but then decided against it and walked towards the kitchen, "Want coffee?" He asked Jace.

"Nah, I'm good," He said, still afraid of the black liquid after what it did to his sister.

Alec nodded, made two cups of coffee, and walked back into the master bedroom, telling Jace that they would leave in twenty minutes.

Forty-five minutes later, the three stepped through a portal into an empty bathroom. Magnus and Alec stepped through effortlessly but Jace fell flat on the floor, "Karma," Magnus said, stepping over him. Alec laughed, following Magnus out of the bathroom.

"Trader!" Jace yelled at him before the door closed.

"He's quite theatrical," Magnus stated to him.

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