Chapter 16

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"Feel free to help yourselves to the refreshments and food," Magnus said after a minute of silence.

"Okay, this awkwardness is getting to me. Why are you all just standing there, sit down and lets do what you all came here to do!" Jace said like it was the most obvious solution.

Magnus was thankful for his boyfriends parabatai in that moment. Though there had been moments where he was jealous of the role Jace played in Alec's life, he had accepted how important they were to each other and after a chat with Tessa, he was over any resentment.

"Sounds good," Quinn said, sitting on one of the pillows that were laid out in a circle on the floor. Magnus sat down too, pulling Alec with him and everyone else followed. If anyone were to come in they would marvel at the sight, teenagers sitting in a circle on the floor, with the exception of Jace sprawled out on the couch. It looked like a typical teen party, though it was far from it. Magnus and Alec were sitting with their backs against the couch, Jace's head next to Alec, Puck next to the couch (and Jace), leaving a considerable amount of space between Alec and him, Finn with Rachel on his other side, Kurt and Blaine sitting next to them with Mercedes next to them, so that Rachel Mercedes and Kurt could gossip if they needed to, with Artie, Tina, and Sam next to her and Brittany, Santana, and Quinn looping the circle back around to Magnus.

"So what are we doing?" Mercedes asked.

"Well I thought we could play a few games," Magnus said.

"What, like truth or dare?" Santana asked with attitude.

"Two truths and a lie?" Quinn added.

"Something along those lines, unless your too mature for that?" Magnus said sarcastically treating them like they were much younger than him, which they were, but they didn't know that. When no one said anything Magnus continued, "We can do Truth or Dare as you call it first. Nothing too invasive or personal," he glared at Puck and Santana, "If someone chickens out they have to have a full table spoon of veggimite, but if it's determined the question or dare doesn't follow the rules then the person who asked it will have to eat it. Now, who wants to go first?" Magnus asked after laying down the rules.

"I'll go," Jace said from the couch. Everyone looked at him startled, like they forgot he was there.

"Jace, get your feet off my couch!" Alec yelled, then blushed a little at what he said. His couch. Magnus also noticed and smiled at him, everyone else looking intrigued.

Jace just scooted forward so his feet hung off the couch, "You," he pointed to Artie, "Truth or Dare?"


"You know any cool tricks on that thing?" Jace asked.

Most people would be offended by that question or too scarred to ask it but Artie just smiled and told everyone to give him some space. First he leaned back then he went on one wheel then proceeded to spin on one wheel. He had everyone clapping and whistling before he even had two wheels on the ground again.

Everybody then looked to Puck who was next to go, "Mike," He didn't need to ask the question.

"Dare," Magnus said, not too eager to start the interrogation he knew was coming.

Puck was silent for a moment, "Uhh, I dare you to... wear lipstick for the rest of the game!" He finished triumphantly, obviously proud of himself.

Magnus just smirked and chuckled inwardly, appreciating the irony. He had had on lipstick to match his shirt and his silver glittery eye-liner, but Alec had smudged it in their little make-out session so he just took it off. If only they knew that he had a whole collection of lipstick, eye-liner, glitter, blush, earrings, eyeshadow- Magnus shook his head, he was getting off track. Point was, he happened to have the perfect shade for this outfit already on his dresser.

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