Chapter 6

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The bell had rung and free period was now over. Magnus was still stunned as he walked to Spanish. He thought over what had just happened and the events that led up to it. He was feeling nostalgic after the death of his dear, sweet pea-pod, and since he could not go to Peru to remember Ragnor, he settled for this little town called Lima. And now Alec was mad at him. Magnus had no idea why though, he had done nothing wrong. No, Alec should have been stunned by his dance moves, he should have kissed him and told him how much he missed the warlock. He should not have run away. Magnus kept saying this over and over again in his head, but he could not even convince himself that he was blameless.



Alec spent the rest of free period trying to pull himself together. He did not know he was crying until the clear, salty liquid blurred his vision and ran into his mouth. He was glad that Magnus had not followed him, or Jace for that matter. He loved his parabatai, but he couldn't explain why he was in pieces right now. Alec didn't know why he was mad about all of this. He wasn't even sure that he was mad. He just felt... small. Unimportant. Magnus had told him a million times that he loved him and that he was a rare occurrence for him. He had said how important Alec was to him, how much he meant to him. But then there were moments like this that Alec doubted that. Moments when he saw how trivial he was. He did not know anything about Magnus, nothing before the day they met. Not his friends, not his past loves, not even his name. He didn't know all of the important little moments in his life that made him who he was.


The bell rang, and Alec splashed some water on his face before he left for Spanish class. Jace had English, so he wouldn't have to go through a whole period of being asked whether he was ok or not.


Alec decided that he was not mad at Magnus, but that did not mean that he was prepared to come into his Spanish classroom and see his... him sitting there. And the only seat left was right next to him. Alec had a sudden urge to turn and run, but it was too late, the teacher had seen him. The same teacher that was in the glee room.


"Oh, uh, Alec right?" Mr. Schue asked, Alec nodded, not trusting his voice, "well, uh, take a seat," It was only after he sat down that Mr. Schue noticed that he was sitting next to Mike. "Uh, ok, so since some of you were unhappy with your last report card, I wanted to give you a chance for a good grade. I want you all, for the remainder of the class period, to turn to the person next to you and talk, in Spanish of course. I don't care what you talk about, but the only way you can fail is if you sit there in silence or speak in English. Alright, go,"


Unfortunately for Alec, the person next to him was the one person he did not want to talk to. And he was fluent in Spanish.


"Bien parece que su solo yo y tú," (Well, it seems that its only me and you) Magnus said after seeing that they were the only ones who hadn't started yet.


Alec sighed, if he was going to have to talk to him the whole period, it would be for the class, not for himself, "Hola, Como te llamas?" (Hello, whats your name?) What could he say, he was still a little bitter.


"Alexander, por favor, no seas así," (Alexander, please don't be like this) Magnus pleaded, eyes showing a rare vulnerability.


"Me llamo Alec,"(My name is Alec) He continued, saying his name with an edge.

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