Chapter 15

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Lucky for Magnus, today in Spanish class they were having conversations with a partner about how to plan for a party, how to set up for a party, what you do durning the part, and what you do after the party. Alec and him talked the whole class about the party and how Alec was a little uncomfortable with a bunch of people he didn't know, mundanes no less, coming into his home. Magnus assured him that these people were trustable and that this was important to him, so of course Alec supported him.

In history class Jace gave Alec a death glare for making him work with the annoying girl sitting next to him while he watched Magnus type their essay. Alec had volunteered to do the work but Magnus said he wanted to, that it would help him to remember that part of his past. Alec would ask him about things that he wrote and occasionally pointed out grammatical errors. Their presentation was about how the Great Depression effected people, not financially or physically but emotionally. How it made people feel to loose their jobs and homes, how they felt when their families were split out, how they all were very desperate for any way to make it better. Magnus got a far away look in his eye when he talked about it, telling Alec how powerless he felt, how their were so many people he couldn't save.

"There's not much you could've done, these people were looking for a way out of the mess that had become their lives, none of that was your fault," Alec consoled him.

"I know that, but I can't help but feel like I should've done more," Magnus said, turning to face Alec who was sitting behind him, "They're not just names in a text book to me, I can put faces, personalities, smiles to most of them," Magnus laughed dryly, "I was mostly unaffected by the financial part of it, in fact, even more people wanted the High Warlock of Brooklyn help after that," Magnus was looking solemnly at his hands. Alec leaned forward and wrapped his arms around him, not knowing what else he could do.

When the bell rang the two young adults and the young-looking elderly man made their way to the glee room for their free period. "So, I'm having a gathering at my place tonight, who's coming?" Magnus told everyone when he walked into the room. Alec rolled his eyes at Magnus use of "gathering" he had started calling his parties that when Alec complained about having a bunch of strangers in their home at all hours of the night. Magnus proceeded to tell him that they weren't strangers but when Alec asked him to name the werewolf that had just broken a vase, Magnus just smiled and kicked everyone out.

"A what?" Puck said.

Magnus sighed and rolled his eyes, "A party, a get together, a game night. You all said you wanted to know what was up with me I'm giving you a chance to figure it out. It will be at this address at," he said looking to Alec for a time to put on the invitations he was about to create.

"Five," Alec supplied.

"Five O'clock sharp," He then pulled a stack of neat invitations out of his bag leaving people wondering where he got them if Alec had just told him the time.

Magnus was a bit glad that Alec and Jace had detention because it gave him time to set up for his gathering without criticism or nagging because he summoned all of the supplies from a party city. Magnus had come up with a few games for that night, similar to the mundane games he had always loved, but with his own twist.

"Now, I want each of you to just think about why you're here and how you could have avoided being here," The psychology teacher who was doing detentions that week told them. She handed out a paper they were supposed to fill out.

Questions were as follows: What did you do wrong? How could you better approach the situation next time? Do you regret it? If you could go back what would you have done differently? Etc.....

Jace looked at the paper with a confused exasperated look then turned to Alec who was next to him, "For the record, the only thing I regret is not knocking out a tooth," He huffed, "There should be more punishment for someone like him, there's nothing wrong with you and anyone who says differently will have to answer to me," Jace said, more to himself than Alec.

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