Chapter 12

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"So, Mr. Schue, um, whats this about?" Magnus asked, in Mike mode. He had learned through the years how to become someone else pretty well, you just had to let go of everything that did not have to do with the character you were playing. You had to not think about anything, or anyone, from your other lives, just let go and be who you are (at the moment). Magnus found this very had to do with his Shadowhunter boyfriend standing right outside his Glee teachers office, in his high school. In fact, that whole sentence just gave him a headache.


"Well, Mike, I just wanted to make sure everything was... okay. You've been a bit... off the past few days and I just want you to know that you can always talk to me," Mr. Schue chose his words very carefully. He looked to the wall with the door, to where Magnus knew Alec was standing, and added, "about anything."


"I dont know what to say Mr. Schue, theres nothing wrong," Magnus said, using just enough nerves in his voice to pass himself off as a teenager who isn't used to being in trouble.


Will Schuester was very confused. He had had Mike as his student for 3 years now, two of them were spent with him in glee club, and he had thought he had known the boy. He had thought wrong. Ever since those two boys with tattoos had walked into the glee club he had seen a whole different side of Mike. Now, don't get him wrong, he had no problems what-so-ever with Mike kissing the dark haired one, or if he was gay. God knows he had fought for Kurt just for him to be able to bear comping to school. That was only one thing on a long list of concerning things. Mike had started wearing makeup and more exotic clothing, had been talking with an air of superiority, like he knew something that know body else did, or a lot of somethings, and he had gotten a sudden burst of confidence, strutting around with the new kid on his arm. Again, none of this was a problem for Will, his problem was that it was so sudden and so... un-Mike. It was like a switch had been flipped and someone totally new was in his body, he still looked like Mike (under all that makeup and hairspray) but he was someone new. Will just wanted to make sure that he was not being pressured, or that he had not been taking drugs, and that he had not cracked under the pressure of being a high school student.


"Well, Mike, uh, I've just noticed that you've been... different lately, not that its a bad thing... at all. It's just that I've noticed some pretty big, pretty sudden changes and it all started when those two new kids showed up. Your dressing differently, talking differently, and I've seen you hanging out with that dark-haired boy, Alec?" Mr. Schue released all of his concerns on the poor teenager.


"Well, Mr. Schue, I guess I was just tired of sitting in the back and just getting dance parts, sometimes. Half of the glee club can't even remember my name the just refer to me as 'the other asian' or 'boy asian', I'm not even fully asian! I just want to show the world what I have to offer, and, well," He looked down at himself, dressed in black skinny jeans, grey suede boots, a red silk shirt that showed off some of his chest, a grey vest, and numerous amounts of jewelry, not to mention his eye-liner and hair gel, and said, "this is more me." He finished, dramatically. He stole a few lines from different teen dramas he had watched over the years, to make it believable.


"Wow, Mike, I had no idea. If you felt so left out of things you should have come and talked to me," Mr. Schue said, shocked.


"I did!" He replied, a little outraged that he didn't remember all of his attempts to try and audition for a singing part.


"Wait, you were serious about those singing parts? I thought it was a joke! You've expressed your disinterest in singing many times and I thought that you were adamant about it," Mr. Schue said.

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