The List

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I walk down the stairs and made my way over to the couch where everyone was at, except for Chase

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I walk down the stairs and made my way over to the couch where everyone was at, except for Chase.

I sit in between Skylar and Bree, draping my legs over Bree's lap as her hands rested on top of them; My back against the couch cushion behind me.

I begin playing Need for Speed on my phone just as Chase entered the room with a box in his hands. "Check it out, guys. Mr. Davenport shipped us a box from Mission Creek." He spoke up while placing the box on the table.

"As long as he's not in it, then yay!" Bree replied.

Chase opened up the cardboard box and looked inside. Bree moved my legs off of her lap and stood up, walking over to him. I continue to lay on the couch, playing the same game on my phone as before. "Cool. It's some of our old technology." Chase commented.

"Hey, look, a Daven-note." Kaz said while retrieving the piece of paper from inside of the box. "Dear Elite Force, I'm converting the basement into a nursery for the new baby, so please keep this stuff in the penthouse for me." He put the paper back down.

"He's raising a baby in the basement? That kid's gonna have some serious issues." Oliver remarked, leaning back on the couch as Bree glared at him. He looked down, a bit afraid.

Kaz took out a little metal box and looked at it curiously, inquiring, "What's this?"

"The cybercloak. It's a virtual body disguise. It can make you take on anyone's appearance." Chase explained with a smile, "One time, I got stuck looking like Bree and I had to go to the school dance with this guy named Jake." I smiled fondly, still not looking up from my phone.

"Same thing happened to me," Oliver commented, "Not the cybercloak. Texting mishap. Long story. I'll tell you about it later." I lift an eyebrow but still don't remove my gaze from Need for Speed.

"And then I'll tell you how I orchestrated the whole thing." Kaz added. He looked at another device and picked it up. "Ooh, what's this?"

"Be careful. That's the Neural Scrambler. It can erase minutes, hours, or even years of someone's life." I explain without looking up at them and continue to play my game.

"Hey, if I use this on Skylar, maybe she'll forget all the stupid things I've said and want to date me." Oliver replied.

"It's a memory wipe, not a miracle maker." I remark in amusement, a smirk present on my facial expression as I continue to play on my phone.

"So, does this thing-" Kaz started as I notice a flash out of the corner of my eye, "Ooh, what's this?"

Chase took the device from him and placed it back inside of the box, moving over to the couch and then sat down beside me; He moved my legs over his lap, so that he could sit down beside me, his hands on top of them.

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