Chapter 6; The Race

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"Xander, I love you, you're my best friend, but you're crazy. There's no such thing as angels nor demons. They're all just fairytales," I say.

"Do you want me to prove it to you? Because I can," Xander says.

"Sure," I say flippantly.

Xander takes off his shirt swiftly while turning around and all of the sudden I see white wings form on his back.

"Holy shit," I whisper. I can't even talk.

"Now will you get into the car?"

"Yeah," I say while opening the door as hopping in.

He drives in the opposite direction of the storm and we narrowly escape it (Xander may or may not have been pushing 150 mph).

"Slow down!" I yell at him.

"I will when we get to a safer place." He says.

I try to turn the radio on, but Xander swerves to avoid hitting something.

"What the hell, bro?" I rub my ribs, that hurt.

"Sorry, Meg"

I roll my eyes. "Okay."

"You have your seat belt on, right?" he asks.

"Of course I do," I say. "Why?"

"Because we're gonna be in for a bumpy ride the rest of the way," he says as he makes a sharp right turn off the road and into the woods.

We swerve around trees and animals (we're going about 100 mph, so a bit of a decrease), and after about two minutes, I see what looks like to be an old barn.

"Xander, what is that?" I ask

"It's where we're going," he replies as he hits the gas.

"That's not the brake!!" I yell in his ear.

"I know. We're going to the basement," he explains calmly.

"Oh shit!" I scream.

"Just think of it as a roller coaster,"  Xander says.

"Not helping! Definitely not helping!" I scream even louder as I hear a loud crack and feel myself suspended in midair.

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