Chapter 8; Alarm

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As soon as I drift off to sleep, I'm woken up again by red flashing lights and an alarm going off.

"What's going on?" I ask Jared.

"What's happening is that we're getting out of here," he says, grabbing my arm.

"Oh, no you don't!" I pull my arm away. "I'm not leaving without Xander!"

"Fine! I'll go get him. I'll make him take you instead."

"No. Both of you are coming with me," I say.

"Can't happen, girlie. Either I stay or he does," Jared explains.

"Fine. Go get him."

All of the sudden I see him.

"She wants you," Jared says while nodding my way.

"Okay. I'll take her. We're going to Elijah, right?" Xander asks.

"Yeah. Keep her safe or else I will kill you," Jared threatens.

"I will. I promise." Xander says as he turns me around.

"You better!" Jared yells as he turns around and sprints to a huge desk.

We run down hallway after hallway until we reach a word room with no roof.

"What are we doing?" I ask.

"We are going to visit an old friend of mine," he says. "And sadly you haven't learned how to fly yet, so I'm going to have to carry you."

"So, we're going up?"

"Nope," he smirks at me. "We are going down."

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