Chapter 14: Midnight Scene

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"Are you sleeping?" Jared asks, leaning against the frame of the door.

I look up at him and say, "I was," I reply.

"I couldn't sleep," Jared says, pushing himself off the frame, taking a few steps in my room.

"Okay," I say, propping myself up on my arms. "And that's my problem why?"

"It's not, but I was just wondering if you'd like to do something."

"No," I say almost too abruptly.

"Nothing bad. I promise."

"Fine, but only because I probably won't be able to sleep now."

"Yay!" Jared exclaims. "Get dressed. And wear something warm."

I just roll my eyes as he leaves my room. I really want to just roll over and go back to sleep, but I don't. I grab a baggy sweatshirt and some leggings and hurry out the door to meet up with Jared.

"You look good, Meghan," he says, opening the door for me.

"Thank you," I say, feeling the rush of heat yet again, in my cheeks. "You look good too," he really did. He was wearing a muscle shirt and jeans, but he was carrying a black hoodie in his arms.

"Really? I just pulled this out of my closet," he said sarcastically, making me giggle.

"I hadn't noticed," I retorted, laughing a bit harder. my laughter immediately stopped when I could no longer feel the floor as I was picked up and thrown over Jared's shoulder.

"Put me down!" I yell, pounding on his back and kicking my legs.

"Say sorry," he bargains calmly.

"Never!" I say, still trying to get away.

"Okay then," he says, pulling me down and pinning me against the wall, making my heart stop.

"How about now?" Jared whispers next to my ear. I can feel his warm breath sending chills down my spine.

I lean in to whisper in his ear, "Never." All of the sudden, I duck under his arm and start sprinting down the hallway and up the stairs to the roof. When I get there, I look around and start panting. I don't see Jared. Maybe I lost him.

Just as I think I'm in the clear, I feel someone pin me against the door and my heart immediately drops. Jared holds both of my hands above my head and his other right next to my waist, leaving me no way to escape.

"I'm sorry," I plea.

"We're way past 'I'm sorry,'" Jared says to me.

I try to move, but his grip tightens. I'm screwed. My heart is racing as he brings his face closer to mine. he goes to whisper in my ear again, but this time saying, "But I'll forgive you this time."

When we're staring at each other, we sit on the edge of the roof and look at the moon for an hour or so just talking until I fall asleep.

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