Chapter 11; Training

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"Elijah, I can't fly. People can't just fly. We don't have wings," I say.

"Humans don't have wings, but angels have wings, we can fly. And you're not human, you're an angel," Elijah remarks.

"Well, if I were an angel, wouldn't I know it or remember heaven or something like that?" I ask, frustrated.

"Well, you aren't just any angel, you're the daughter of two archangels. Two very powerful archangels. Angels Raphael and Ariel. The demons dragged you from heaven as a baby and placed you in earth and we weren't able to find you because your earthly form is different than your heavenly form. Then Jared found you and he was certain that it was you and he started protecting you," Elijah explained. "We sent Xander when you went to college because we thought that having your brother there would make you see your angelic powers more clearly, but that obviously didn't happen fast enough, so here we are."

"Wait, brother?!?" I almost scream, shifting my gaze to Xander.

"Yeah," Xander reassures, scratching the back of his neck, "I was going to tell you, but there wasn't ever a good time.."

"Just don't. No excuses," I say.

"I'm sorry," Xander says, his eyes full of hurt and sorrow.

"Forgiven, but not forgotten," I say. 'Forgiven, but not forgotten' was something I said every time someone said sorry to me and I knew that I wouldn't be able to just let it go immediately.

All of the sudden I see their faces change. They're in awe of something, so I turn around to try to see what they're looking at. I see nothing.

"What are you guys looking at?" I ask, now annoyed my these two.

"Your wings..." is all Xander can say. Elijah's face turns to panic.

"What?!?" I say looking over my shoulder to see white and black wings sprouting from my back. "Woah." I whisper under my breath. My wings are white at my back and slowly fade to black. They have to be at least six feet each. The feathers on the ends of my wings look almost as if they were burned, but that's impossible.

"Elijah, why are her wings like that?" Xavier asks, panicked.

"I don't know"

My Fallen AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon