Within the Beast

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You stared at the beautiful creation in front of you. It was covered in ocean blue metal, with a rose red collar. It was spotted with metallic white patterns around the body. It had an extended tail with a fluorescent blue crystal that glowed. You stared as it stayed in a sitting position, staring at you all with its yellow eyes. It's paint looked worn out, along with it's hardware, it intrigued you. 

"Is this it? Is this Voltron?" Pidge asked, readjusting the glasses to get a better visual of the masterpiece standing in front of you.

"I-It has to be," Shiro stammered.

"That must be what was causing all the crazy energy and disturbances" Hunk cautioned. You weren't listening to what anyone was saying, it all sounded blurry. You body stood still, your mouth gaping open, you were frozen to the point where you were barely breathing. You were still staring at the feline before you felt a tap on your shoulder, every sense in your body came back slowly.

"Good?" Keith pondered to you. You looked behind your back to see Keith's hand grasping your shoulder, you placed your palm on his. Your touch causing his face to go a reddish hue, one similar to a person's face on a hot day.

"Yeah, it's just, look at it, it's-" you were at a loss of words.

"Magnificent?" Lance trilled behind you.

"Yeah, it's magnificent," you beamed. You removed your hand from Keith's and walked towards the lion.

"It looks like it's shielded with some sort of, force field?" Keith observed as you heard his footsteps following yours.

"Does anyone feel like it's eyes are following them?" Lance babbled as he began swerving as he walked. You chuckled as you felt the force field.

"Anyone have any ideas how to get through this?" You asked, tapping the shield.

"You just have to do a gentle knock," Lance replied. He stepped up to the force field, balling his hand into a fist and knocking. After he took his fist away the lion's yellow eyes glowed brighter the Sun. The force field lifted, causing the floor to light up the same way it did before you guys had fallen down. You all were transfixed to your spots before a vision showed.

You were shown a monstrous being, made completely out of robotic felines. It was multiple colors, the arms, legs, and helmet being made out of lions, exactly like the one that laid before you. It's face resembled one of a human. The only difference you noticed was the chest of the weapon, there was no lion head, but instead a glass window that resembled a heart. It was white, and looked completely unique compared to the rest of the lions. It held a sword that it swung with might and power.

After the vision ended, all you were able to do was let out a deep exhale that you had been holding in. 

"Woah," you all repeated in unison.

"Did anyone else see that?" Lanced stuttered uncertainly.

"Voltron is a huge, awesome, amazing, spectacular robot!" Hunk bursted out. His threw his fist in the air and hollered.

"This lion was only one part, I wonder where the rest of these are hiding?" Pidge wondered.

"So, this is what they're looking for," Shiro remarked.

"Incredible,"  you and Keith repeated together. You didn't know what to do, were you supposed to touch the lion? Before you could decide, the feline jerked its head, laying it down in front of you all. Its mouth opened to release a gateway in front of Lance. Everyone backed up and held their arms up, except for you and Lance. You exchanged glances before gesturing for Lance to head inside. He gave you a mischievous grin before running inside, you not to far behind. 

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