XX. Mega Man

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"What do you mean he's disappeared?" I asked Dr. Linde. "Did someone take him away?"

Dr. Linde shook her head. "I don't think so. He said it wasn't safe for him anymore at the lab, and he would come back once everything calmed down. He asked me to help you all as much as possible, and told me to look in Abel City for the next shard."

"Do you know where he went?" I said. "Did he say where he was going?"

"He wouldn't tell me," Dr. Linde said. "He said there wasn't much more he could do for you guys, anyway. Any repairs you need done, Mega Man, I can do, but neither of us knew what to do about you, Sonic. If we're careful, Wily won't know that I'm helping you guys."

"Nothing?" Sonic asked, a bit dismayed. "I guess we'll have to count on Knuckles, then."

"We couldn't even figure out anything to stop it from becoming worse," Dr. Linde sighed. She looked very sympathetic. "And it obviously is."

"It'll be fine," Sonic replied.

"Maybe you shouldn't go to any more ruins..." I suggested, knowing I would be shot down. But it was worth a try.

"No way!" Sonic shouted. "I'm not going to stay back while you guys risk your lives."

"Then you should all get some rest," Dr. Linde said. "Dr. Light told me you guys hadn't gotten much sleep lately."

"Please tell me you're not just saying that because of me," Sonic said. "We can go to the next ruins. I'll be fine!"

"I'd feel better if you were able to rest, Sonic," I said gently. "Plus, I'm sure we could all use a little more sleep. It'll take Dr. Eggman some time to even find the next shard, let alone grab it."

"I could use a little sleep," Sally added, at least pretending to stifle a yawn. I resisted a smile. "I haven't really slept since before we went looking for the Master Emerald."

"I've gotten a good amount of sleep, but I want time to study the shard," Tails replied.

"I feel like I've been working nonstop," I told him.

Sonic put his face in his hands. "Fine, fine. We'll get a good night's sleep. But then we're going after the other two shards."

"Deal," I said. "But first, we should get you guys some food. I could use an E-tank, as well."

Dr. Linde stood up and stretched. "You guys relax for a while, and I'll make some food. I'm a pretty decent cook, not that I really cook for anyone other than myself."

"Really?" Sally asked. "We haven't had a nice meal in weeks."

"Then hopefully, you'll appreciate my skills," Dr. Linde said. "You can go wherever, but try not to break anything."

"I'll keep them at bay," Sally promised. Dr. Linde nodded and walked away.

Sonic stretched an arm up into the air and yawned. "I wish there was somewhere around here I could go and run around for a bit, but there are just so many people in this city. The most exercise I've gotten is running up those stairs."

I looked at Sally, who shrugged. I felt bad, because running was his favorite thing to do. When he wasn't sleeping, I bet he was hanging out with friends or go and run and see places. I looked at a teleporter in a corner of the room, trying not to wonder what could go wrong. He had already been kidnapped once, and no doubt Shadow would keep his eyes open for the injured Sonic. "I guess I could teleport you outside of the city, but you would have to be careful."

"Really?" Sonic asked, his eyes lighting up. I couldn't hold back a smile.

"Sure," I told him. "I would just teleport to you and teleport you back here after Dr. Linde comes back."

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