XXIII. Sonic the Hedgehog

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After Shadow helped us get to the lab, I sat against a wall while Tempo stared at me. Shadow had told us to find Eggman and Wily's base by sunset tomorrow. That gave us just over twelve hours to rest and get there.

We were all in the room with the massive computer, taking a few minutes to unwind after all that had happened. I sat with my head on my knees, not really wanting to look at anyone. I felt embarrassed and humiliated. The amount of power that I had flowing through me when I had gone insane was nuts. I had just really, really wanted those guys dead. I wasn't sure it would have ended with the robots dismembered; I could have gone for Tails or Sally next.

"How are we going to find their base?" Mega Man said, finally breaking the silence. "I don't even know where to start. Dr. Light's better at this thing."

"That's the easy part," Sally replied, grabbing Nicole from her backpack. "Nicole can hack into any system and find anything."

"That's great, but..." Mega Man frowned. "How exactly will that help us?"

"All she has to do is find the location of anything that has to do with Eggman," Sally added.

"Eggman's not a fan of subtly," I said with a kind smile, trying to ignore the look I got from Tempo.

"Even his computer systems scream 'Eggman'," Nicole said. "He enjoys making his presence known."

"But there are so many systems all over the world!" Mega Man protested. "How would you ever find it?"

"It is not as difficult as it sounds," Nicole assured him. "Hook me up to Dr. Light's computer and I shall do the rest."

Sally handed Nicole to Mega Man, who looked at several different cords before choosing one that would connect to Nicole's handheld device. Mega Man set it down carefully, staring at it as he stepped away.

"She can really do that?" Mega Man asked, skeptical.

"If anyone can, it would be Nicole," Sally chuckled. "Let her do her thing."

"It's not like I even have a choice but to trust you," Mega Man chuckled. "Tempo, can you help me get another arm back on?"

"Yes," Tempo said, looking at me with another dirty look before leaving.

"You know how she is, Sonic," Mega Man said, changing out of his armor and looking at my sympathetically. "She doesn't really know what to say."

"She doesn't have to say anything at all," I snapped. "I didn't realize she still hated me that much."

"It has more to do with fear than hate..." Rock sighed. "I mean, you almost killed her. Scared us all... And if Shadow hadn't been there, who knows what would have happened to the rest of us?"

I stared at the floor blankly, feeling sick. I looked at Tails, who even now looked like he was worried I would go nuts again. I clenched my fists, my teeth grinding together. "I-I need some air," I said, getting up and going outside.

I walked out the door and sat against the wall of the lab. I needed to stay calm; I didn't want a repeat of earlier. I looked out at Mega City, wishing I was strong enough to free everyone from the turmoil the robots there were causing. We just didn't have the time to go and disable every single robot there. The city was just too massive.

Add that to the guilt of freaking my friends out, and I was miserable. And Tempo really wasn't helping.

I buried my head in my hands, feeling like I was just making the situation we were in worse every day. I still couldn't really believe I had lost control like that. Nothing like that had ever happened before. I had never wanted something destroyed so desperately before. It took all I had not to completely break down emotionally.

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