- the beginning

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The petals had seemed to come out of nowhere. One minute, Jaeden was perfectly fine. The next, he was choking on rose petals. At first, he thought he was dreaming when the red petals had came out of his mouth instead of phlegm or blood but when it started happened more often, it became clear that it probably wasn't ending soon and that he should tell his mom.


"Yes, Jaeden?"

"I think something is wrong with me."

In an instant, she was on him. Feeling on the boy's forehead and making sure that he didn't have a fever.

"Well you don't have a fever. What do you think is wrong?"

Jaeden could show her better than tell her and right on time, he began coughing. Like everytime this happened, Jaeden closed his eyes and prayed that nothing would be on the floor but spit and like everytime this happened, when he opened his eyes he was welcomed with the sight of the cherry red petals.

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