- hospital

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"welcome back jaeden." was the first thing jaeden heard as his eyes refocused to the soft white of the walls around him as he woke up in a hospital bed.

"where am i?"

the doctor ignored the question and instead continued his speech.

"i will be your doctor until the hanahaki disease passes. it is to my understanding you already understand the surgery and how to get rid of it aspects?"

"yes, sir. um where is my mom?"

"she's just outside of the room. now, son, have you been experiencing any flashing lights, dizziness, hallucinations, or headaches?"

"y-yes sir."

"those are the side effects of hanahaki so what you do during these next few weeks is crucial. you either get the person to like you back and the disease leaves or you get the surgery."

"why me? like why do i have it?"

"it's still uncertain how it gets passed around but usually it's genetic. if no one in your family has had it, your feelings for this person might have been so strong that your body subconsciously made you get the disease in an attempt to get you to show your feelings. that one's  a popular theory. but it appears in your case that it was genetic."

great. even his own body could be plotting against him. or worse, his mom was keeping something from him.

"any more questions?"

"what happens if i don't do anything about it? i don't get the surgery and wyatt never likes me back. what then?"

"you'll eventually go crazy. the hallucinations and headaches will get worse. most patients that have tried that "cure" have committed suicide."


"so anyway, i'll see you next week around this time. be sure to come back with any concerns or questions. bye jaeden."


it was easy for him to locate his mom outside of the hospital room.

"hey jae-bear. what'd he sa-"

"does anyone in our family have hanahaki?"

"what? jae slow down, you're not making any sense."

"you heard me. just answer the question."

she sighed before saying, "i had it, way back in my early teenage years . that's actually how i met your dad. but i never expected you to get it jae."

he rolled his eyes at his mom and began walking out of the building, the car ride home silent.

as they pulled into the driveway, his mom turned to him, "i didn't lie to you so there's no reason for you to be mad. you're being silly. what you need to do is stop sulking and get this boy to like you."

he rolled his eyes again and seriously, if he did it again they probably would fall out of his head.

the first thing he did when he got into his room was calling wyatt. the phone rang three times before he finally picked up.


"hey wyatt."

"oh my god jae, i was just about to call you," a muffled "no you weren't!" could be heard in the background but was quickly dismissed by wyatt, "ignore him. he's a literal idiot. are you okay?"

"yeah okay i guess. my head kind of hurts.

"so are you coming back to school tomorrow?"

"no. the doctor's note says next week."

"so date redo next week?"

he could practically hear jaeden's smile over the phone as he said, "okay, see you next week." and hung up.

he really hated to break this guy's heart.

hanahaki ↠ jyattTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang