- seriously?

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"i can't do it," jaeden told his mom for the fifth time that day as she drove him to school.

"trust me jae-bear. you're irresistible," she said as she twisted his cheek.

he rolled his eyes at the words as she knew she was just trying to make him feel better.

as they pulled into the parking lot and the car stopped, his mom turned to him.

"jae, if you ever feel uncomfortable about any of this, trust me i will get that money."

he gave her a weak smile and a hug, "thanks, mom."

"ok now get out of here, kiddo."

as soon as jaeden exited the car, he could feel everyone's eyes on him and his world started to spin and he could see white blinking lights in the distance.

he suddenly came in contact with a large solid that caused him to fall.

"jesus?" jaeden asked. he was almost 100% sure he was halluncinating at this point. he just wasn't sure why. had he accidentally snorted coke or something?

he was knocked out of his thoughts by a familiar voice.

"that's very flattering but my name is wyatt," he said with a chuckle, "here. let me help you up."

he held out his hand and pulled jaeden to his feet.

"um thanks wyatt," jaeden said as a faint blush started to rise over his cheeks.

"uh yeah no prob. so i was wondering if you would want to sit at lunch with me and finn today?"

jaeden nearly fainted right then and there.

"t-that's a nice offer but i usually sit with jack and i can't just-"

"he can come too," wyatt said quickly.

this was getting more and more tiring. would he have to become friends with all of the nerds for a mere hundred bucks?

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