- lunch

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jaeden had one friend. one friend who happened to be absent today of all days.

jaeden took a deep breath before deciding he had nothing to lose and sitting next to wyatt at the lunch table.

"um hi," wyatt stammered out, obviously surprised.

"hey. i uh had nowhere else to sit so i hope this is okay."

wyatt's friend, finn wolfhard, made a huge show of looking at the 4 empty tables beside them but they ignored him.

"okay. i mean yes. you sitting here is okay."

the trio and a few of wyatt's other friends at the table silently ate their lunch.

everything was going fine until jaeden felt the uncomfortable itching sensation in his throat. he couldn't cough. not now. not while sitiing in front of wyatt.

as jaeden got ready to come up with a flimsy excuse to leave, it happened. the flower petals fell out of his mouth and tumbled into wyatt's lunch tray.

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