- the deal

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"dude, he's obviously always been  in love with you," finn laughs as he rolls his eyes at his best friend's stupidity as they sit on his bedroom floor later that day.

"yeah but i just don't like him like that. he's a loser. plus i just got sophia to agree to go on a date with me. he's a nice guy i guess but no way would i risk losing that for him."

wyatt watched as finn's eyes lit up with an idea. and that was never good.

"100 bucks if you pretend to date him," finn said confidently.

"what? 100 bucks? bro, we're in high school. where would you even get that kind of money?"

"i've got my ways. deal or no deal?" finn asked as he held out his hand.

jaeden was hot in a boy next doorish kind of way and plus he coughed flowers and desperately needed friends. maybe he could also put a good word in for him with sophia since they seemed to be close.

wyatt thought about all of this and reached a conclusion. finn smiled as he grasped his hand, "deal."

hanahaki ↠ jyattOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora