- lunch again

431 25 21

in wyatt's opinion, lunch went great. jaeden and jack mostly spent the whole of lunch talking about their favorite actors, stanley uris and richie tozier and when they did talk to wyatt and finn, it was mostly about their classes.

towards the end of lunch, finn nudged wyatt.

"ask him out."

"like right now? i don't even know him."

"my money, my rules. ask him out."

wyatt rolled his eyes at his incredibly annoying best friend before clearing his throat.

"uh jaeden?"


was 100 dollars really worth breaking this guy's heart?

"go on a date with me later at in 'n' out?"

jaeden stared speechlessly at him for a moment before saying, "are you serious?"

"100% serious."

about getting the money but he didn't add that.

"make it a date then."

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