- the date

426 22 6

jaeden couldn't believe it. after all of this time and worrying, he was about to go on a date with the wyatt oleff.

he just couldn't wrap his brain around it though. after only two days, during which jaeden thoroughly embarrassed himself, wyatt was asking him on a date? was wyatt even gay?

after putting on a plain black shirt, a pair of ripped jeans, and some checkerboard vans, he headed to in 'n' out and sat in a booth.

not long after getting there, wyatt was walking in looking like nothing less than a grecian god. wyatt scanned the place quickly before finally seeing him and walking over.

"hey jae. you already ordered?"

"hey wyatt. no, actually i was waiting for you."

"oh thank god. i can't have you paying for yourself, now can i?"

"i guess not."

the waitress then came at the table right on cue and after they ordered, they sat in awkward silence.

"soo," wyatt began after 5 minutes but was quickly cut off by a loud squeal.


"oh hey sophia."

jaeden wasn't happy to see her. yes, she was his best friend and he's sure she wouldn't purposely sabotage him but there was a rumor that wyatt liked him so for her to appear right in the middle of their date is inconvenient.

"uh hey sophia," wyatt stuttered out with a blush slowly creeping its way over his face.

"heyy wyatt," sophia said, twisting a lock of her hair.

jaeden rolled his eyes as he watched the two stare at eachother.

"sophia, we're kind of on a date right now so if you could just like, leave, that would be great."

the red-headed girl turned back to him surprised.

"y-you and wyatt? you guys are dating?"

"yup," jaeden said popping the p.

"oh well i would love to say i hate to intrude but i really don't so can i sit down with you guys?"

"n-," jaeden began before being cut off by wyatt almost screaming the word yes.

"thanks wy," sophia said before she slid in the booth next to him.

great. of course sophia would choose to sit next to wyatt instead of her own best friend.

the food arrived shortly after and jaeden could do nothing but glare as the two seemed to engage in a very animated conversation.

all at once, the blinking lights came back as the world around him started to shake.

the tugging feeling in his throat in his throat was back too but that soon disappeared when he coughed as silently as he could and watched a few rose petals flutter down to the ground.
his vision was getting more and more distorted he could almost hear someone yelling his name.

then he passed out.

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