Talking with Professors

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  When dinner was over and everyone was leaving I walked up to professor Dumbledore. 

  "Thank you for waiting Lilly. Follow me please." He said smiling. I walked silently with him and the other professors down the halls and up many staircases. We arrived at a door and Dumbledore said,

  "Purple fairies." The lion that was on the side of the door opened its mouth and the door opened as well. I walked behind Dumbledore and in front of the other professors up the stairs that were behind the door. When we reached the top of the stairs there was a big room with books lining two walls, and the other two behind a desk had large pictures with moving heads. They were all watching us. There were many chairs set up by the desk. Dumbledore walked over to them and we all followed. He sat in the biggest chair that was in the middle of the other chairs that the other professors sat in. I sat in the one chair across from them on the other side of the desk. I nervously played with the hem of my shirt. We were just staring at each other. I wasn't going to be the first to speak, and luckily I didn't have to be. 

  "Do you know why we asked you to come here?" Dumbledore asked. I looked at all of them before saying,

  "I might have an idea." I said.

  "And what is that?" McGonagall asked sitting to the right of Dumbledore.

I shrugged, "Why do you want to talk to me?"

 Dumbledore cleared his throat and leaned forward.

 "We just want to ask you some questions, some involving He Who Must Not Be Named."

 I quickly looked over to Professor Snape who was slowly shaking his head.

  "I'm not telling you anything." I said crossing my arms.

 Dumbledore smiled. "We aren't going to ask where he is, just some things on what your life is like I guess you could say."

Snape shrugged his shoulders slightly so I nodded for them to continue.

  "Okay, I guess the first question could be, you know he killed your parents four years ago, right?" 

 I nodded, "I might've only been 7, but I wasn't stupid. I was there when it happened."

 "Okay, next question then." Dumbledore said clearing his throat again.

  "You are a Death Eater, correct?"

 "That depends, will you hand me over to the Minister of Magic if I say yes?"

He laughed, "No, you can trust us. We wouldn't do that, plus he wouldn't put an eleven year old in Azkaban."

  "No, but he would put a ten year old in Azkaban. You didn't hear? Well anyway, yes I am a Death Eater." 

  "He put you in Azkaban?!" 

  "Yeah, last year. I was with a group of Death Eaters and he arrested us all and put us in Azkaban. Without a hearing. I thought he put it in the Daily Prophet."

  "No I don't remember seeing that, that's horrible that he would put a child in a place like that."

 "Yes, well the conditions were'nt very good and I was in a cell with a group of random guys that luckily stayed away from me."

  "So he didn't even ask if you were He Who Must Not Be Named cousin?" Snape asked even though he already knew the answer.

  "No. It was probably pretty obvious though, it's not like there's a big supply of kids in with the Death Eaters. Plus, I've been told I look like my cousin, when he was in his younger years of course." I said smirking. It was silent as all the older professors were looking at me trying to see the resemblance. 

  "I'm just kidding. Our fathers were brothers, yes, but they didn't look alike."

  "Yes, how does that work? He who must not be named is in his late forties. How are your fathers brothers?" Another professor who I can't remember the name asked.

  "The Dark Lord is 48. My uncle is fifteen years older than my father. My uncle and aunt had my cousin when my uncle was 17 years old. It was only a little after they left Hogwarts. That means that when my cousin was born my father was two years old. My mom and dad had me when my dad was 39 when he had me. So my uncle was really young when he had kids, or kid, and my dad was old."

  "How old was your mother?" Dumbledore asked.

  "She was 28." I said with a little disgust. Eleven years is a big gap. Not only that, I just never really liked my mother and she never liked me.

  "Oh." Was all Dumbledore said. While he was thinking this over Professor McGonagall started asking the questions. 

  "So Lilly, you don't plan on hurting any of the students, do you?" 

 I shook my head and smirked. 

  "I might have grown up around killers, but I am only an eleven year old girl."

  "Okay then do you plan on helping any Death Eaters get into Hogwarts?"

  "I don't even know how I would do that."

  "How can I believe you?" 

  "Believe what you want. I don't care if you believe me, but it's the truth." I answered flatly, glaring at them a little.

  "I have a feeling we shouldn't under estimate you Lilly. Did the Death Eaters train you at all?"

  "Yes they did." I answered shortly getting a little tired of answering thier pointless questions.

  "Okay, I think that's everything." Dumbledore said leaning back in his chair. "Lilly you are dismissed."

  "Thank you Professor." I said standing up and walking back down the stairs. I quickly ran down the many sets of stairs to the Slytherin dormitory. When I got to the wall where the hidden Slytherin door is I whispered the password "Pure-Blood". The wall moved exposing the entrance to the Slytherin common room. I quickly walked through and saw Cole and Jake sitting on the couches by the fire.

  "Hey guys." I said walking over and sitting on one of the couches next to them. 

 "Hey, how was it?" Jake asked.

  "Fine, they just asked some questions and we stared awkwardly at each other."

  "Did they ask anything on the Death Eaters?" 

  "Not really. Just if I was a part of them and stuff. I didn't reveal the locations or anything." I answered knowing what they were getting at.

  "Good, I'm going to go to bed now." Cole said getting up. 

   "Yeah, me too." I said. The three of us bid our farewells and went our separate ways to the girl and boy dormitories. I quietly walked into the girls dormitory and over to my bed. The lights were already off and everyone was asleep. I layed down and fell asleep with my Slytheriin uniform on.

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