Who are they?

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Recap From Last Chapter

The Minister flipped through the files until he found the ones he was looking for. He threw them on his desk and sat back.

"Here, these are all the Death Eaters that were involved that we know of." He said taking a deep breath. I picked them up and flipped through them. Renevan and many more people were in the pile.

"One more small request." Cole said and I could tell he was smirking at the Ministers defeated expression.

"Don't arrest or abduct any other Death Eaters that were involved in the raid. Got it?" Cole asked emphasizing the "got it" by almost poking the Minister in the nose with his knife.

The Minister nodded frantically and I smiled.

"Wonderful." Cole responded. All of a sudden there was a loud pounding on the Ministers door.

"Guys we have to get out of here, now!"


"Ren, what's going on?" I yelled through the door.

"Ministry people are coming. Guys come on we have to go!" He yelled urgently.

"Thank you for these." I said holding up the stack of files. I snapped and they disappeared into thin air. I sent them to my bed in the Slytherin dormitory. The Minister stared at me wide eyed, but I didn't have time for a staring contest. Cole threw the door open and we ran out of the office with Renevan in the lead.

"Take out you knives." He said reaching into his back pocket and taking out his. I took mine out and ran my thumb over the designs carved in the hilt. A skull with snakes wrapping around the hilt. We were sprinting as fast as we could, and I could hear the Ministry peoples pounding footsteps getting closer and closer. All of a sudden we were surrounded by the Ministry workers as we came to an intersection. Renevan, Cole, Jake, and I all put our backs to each other and held out our knives. They were pointing their wands and slowly moving closer to us.

"Give up." One of them said in a stern voice. I looked between them frantically. I was nervous and didn't know what to do, so I waited for Renevan to make a decision.

"Go!" He whispered under his breath. We all shot forward and grabbed a Ministry member. Before they could react I had my knife to the guys neck and brought him towards the center of the circle. I looked around and realized that they caught Cole, Jake, and Renevan. I slowly turned in a circle, looking at all the people with my knife still to the guys throat. I was really nervous now. Everyone was staring at me.

"Give up." The same guy said slower. I gulped and shook my head quickly.

"Come on, we know you're just a little kid. You probably aren't even doing this willingly. So, just hand over Jaime and we can be done with this."

"No." I said not wanting to budge but quickly slipping. "Give me back my friends."

"Not until you give us back our friend."

"I'll kill him." I said tightening my grip on the knife. Jaime let out a little whimper and tried to grab my arm when all of a sudden someone jerked my arms back causing me to drop my knife and lose my prisoner. While the person who grabbed me was holding me still, another guy walked forward and pulled my hood down and took my mask off. There were a few gasps when the people saw who I was. I shook out my hair and glared at them.

"Yay you caught me, get over it." I said annoyed at the way they were looking at me. They quickly took off Cole, Jake, and Renevans masks. They didn't recognize Cole or Jake, but they recognized Renevan right away. They walked the four of us back to the Ministers office where he was sitting back in his chair with a stupid grin on his face.

"Well done boys, you caught them." He said in a smooth voice. "Leave them here. I can take care of them for now. Just wait outside." The men listened and let go of us, slowly making their way to the door.

"Hello Lilly Riddle. It's nice to finally meet you." He said said looking at me with hate in his eyes but a smile on his face.

"Who are your friends?" I didn't answer. I just stood there with my arms crossed and glared at the Minister. He waited a minute before saying.

"Well I know who Renevan is so maybe he can tell us." He said turning his gaze to Renevan, who gulped and looked a little nervous.

"Long time no see Renevan, how's it holding up." I thought Renevan was going to crack and say something but he took a deep breath and didn't say anything. The Ministers smile got bigger.

"Okay then, I'll just have to contact Professor Dumbledore to find out who you two boys are." The Minister said taking his wand out. I saw Cole look over to me in my peripheral vision, but I just kept looking forward. The Minister shrugged and motioned us forward. We all cautiously took a step forward as he stood up. He called for the his guards to come back in and they each took hold of one of our arms.

"You have nowhere else to go." The Minister said holding out his arm. I sighed and looked at the others. They nodded and we grabbed onto his arm. We suddenly apperated and appeared in the Great Hall, better yet when everyone was there for breakfast. The Minister pulled his arm away from us and started walking up to the teachers. His guards pushed us forward a little and we followed the Minister. Professor Dumbledore stood up looking surprised. Well, who wouldn't be? Who woulda thought three first years and a 20 year old man would try to steal from the Minister and think they'd get away with it? These losers. Yeah that's right!

"Minister, what are you doing here?" Professor Dumbledore asked. Kinda obvious isn't it Professor.

"These four were trying to rob me of confidential files but luckily my boys caught them." The Minister said smirking and putting his hand on on of the guards' shoulders.

"I am so sorry Minister. I don't know how they got off the grounds. I will speak with them right away."

"Oh that's not what I want you to do, I'm not done with them yet. All I need is their names. You see I know Lilly and Renevan," he said motioning to us. "But I don't know who these two are." He said putting his hand on Cole and Jake's shoulders.

"What are you going to do when you figure out their names?" Dumbledore asked. The Minister smirked evilly,

"You'll find out, when you tell me."


Okay I'm really starting to enjoy making cliff hangers. It's so entertaining! I know this chapter was a little short, but I hope you still liked it! If you did please VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!!
thank you :)

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