Fights, Friends, and Death Eaters

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  The next morning I sat with Cole and Jake near the other end of the Slytherin table. There were mostly older kids on this end, but they didn't say anything when we sat down. Ryan was sitting at the other end with some of his friends, but we had to talk about some higher ranking Death Eater business. 

  "Did you have anything to do with the planning of last nights attack?" Cole asked quietly. I shook my head.

  "I didn't, but Snape did." I whispered back looking over to Snape. He was watching us, but went back to looking at the Daily Prophet he was holding. With one hand he held up four fingers. I turned to one of the older kids sitting next to me.

  "Can I borrow that for a second?" I asked pointing to a Daily Prophet sitting on the table.

 "Sure." He said turning back to his friends. I took it and opened it to page four. The main articles title was 'Death Eaters Attack The Ministry'. I read the first paragraph and put it back down. 

 "What'd it say?" Jake asked.

  "Not the truth that's for sure." I said, "You don't think the Dark Lord would come out of hiding and attack the Ministry without telling us do you?" 

  "What?! It doesn't really say that does it?" 

  "Yep, it says he was spotted storming through the building and killing people left and right. I know this is wrong because this was only supposed to be an attack to kill a few and take a lot." I said throwing my hands up.

  "This is just for the press to gain attention, we know none of it's true." Cole said turning back to his breakfast. Jake and I just shrugged and went back to eating as well. 

  Near the end of breakfast when I was finishing my piece of toast, I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Harry Potter standing behind me looking angry. 

  "You're Lilly Riddle right?" He said with a boy with red hair and a girl with crazy brown hair standing slightly behind him.

  "Yeah, what do you want?" I asked. His face got a little red and a little angrier, which made him look kind of funny.

  "Your cousin killed my parents."

 "Mine too. Don't think it makes you special." I said taking a sip of pumpkin juice.

  "I survived the killing curse."

  "Good job, you were like two."

  "Why do you still talk to your cousin if he killed your parents?" He asked. Really, what is he doing?

  "That's none of your business." I responded narrowing my eyes.

  "So you think it's okay that he goes around killing people?" I shrugged and nodded taking another sip of pumpkin juice. He hit the goblet I was holding causing the pumpkin juice to spill all over my white shirt. I looked down at it and slowly looked back up at him. He was smiling, but it quickly fell to a frown when he saw the expression on my face. I was furious. He started walking away, but I shot up and grabbed his shirt. I was about 4 inches taller than him which helped with the intimidation strategy. He looked a little nervous now. 

  "That was a bad mistake." I said lowly. Cole and Jake were now standing behind me and a few people were watching. I pushed him back into his friends and turned to walk away when someone pushed me. I spun around and saw Harry's red head friend standing there. I tried calming myself, but it didn't work very well. Two older boys from Gryffindor stood up and pushed Harry and the girl behind them.

  "Stop talking to them." The one on the right said. They only looked like they were third or fourth years.

  "Yeah, and what are you going to do about it?" Cole asked taking a step forward to stand next to me. One of them took a step forward and Cole took another towards him. They were less than an arms length apart when the kid pushed Cole back. 

  "That's what I'll do. You were talking to Harry Potter."

  "Oh such an honor. You were talking to Lilly Riddle." Cole said pushing the boy back.

 The boy stepped forward and half heartedly punched Cole in the shoulder which infuriated Cole. His face got all red and his pushed the boy again, but this time followed through by staying close to him and once the boy regained his balance Cole punched him in the face. Jake tried pulling Cole back but he just shook him off and went to punch the boy again. Before his fist connected with the boys face, a hand was on Cole's fist. We all looked over and saw Professor Snape standing there with a blank face. He tugged on Cole's hand causing him to stumble forward. With his other hand, Snape grabbed onto my sleeve and he pulled us out of the Great Hall. Jake was following us and we all walked to his classroom. He let go of us and pushed us forward. I sat on a desk in between Cole and Jake, and we watched Snape as he silently paced in front of us.

  "Do you three want to get caught?" He asked when he suddenly stopped.

  "What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

  "Do you want them to get suspicious and figure out that you guys are Death Eaters?"

  "They already know that I'm a Death Eater though." I responded.

  "Yes, they know you are, but they don't know about Cole and Jake. They'll probably figure it out, but I'm hoping that they don't take to drastic measures." Snape said looking at us with anger in his eyes.

  "Why do you care what they do to us?" Cole asked sounding annoyed.

  Snape looked a little mad and turned his attention to him.

  "I care because if you guys get caught I might too. They can't figure me out. I think Dumbledore knows, but he hasn't said anything and I'm not going to be the one to bring it up. If the Minister finds out though, I'm done for." He said starting to pace again.

  "Wait, you think Dumbledore knows?!" I asked surprised.

  He nodded, "I think he's known from the beginning. I am kind of a mysterious guy you know. He probably got suspicious when I first became a professor and looked into it or something. I just have a feeling that he knows."

  "I could ask if you want." Jake said smirking.

  Professor Snape got really close to him and frowned.

  "Are you stupid? Don't kid with me boy, if you say anything like that to him I will kill you." 

  Jake nodded looking bored,

  "Are you done yet?" 

  Snape sighed and ran his hand down his face,

  "Yes, go to class. Cole you have detention with me later today for getting in a fight."

  We left and were walking up the stairs in an awkward silence.

  "Thank you for sticking up for me." I said to Cole. He smiled and slung his arm across my shoulder.

  "That's what friends are for." 

  "Yeah, have fun in detention with Mr. Cranky Pants." Jake said laughing. Cole took an intimidating step towards him but it just made him laugh harder.

  "Dude you don't scare me." 

  "Whatever." Cole mumbled as we walked into Transfiguration.


Hello everyone! I hope you've enjoyed so far. I am sorry if my language is nothing like a British persons. I am not British so I speak like an American. I'm sorry if it's shouldn't be though. Anyways +___+  I don't think the first year will be very long because I've already written a version of the fifth and sixth year (when it gets more interesting) so this one will probably only be 15-20 chapters, or less, unless I come up with a great idea, which is pretty unlikely. Please vote and comment!!

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