Mission: Bad Idea

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                                                                 Recap from previous chapter

  "Hey Rene, how's it going?" Cole asked sitting down on the couch. Renevan remained standing and let out a little laugh.

"Not so good Cole, not so good." he said running his fingers through his hair. He looked terrible. His hair was all messed up from running his fingers through it constantly, there were bags under his eyes, and he looked like he hasn't showered in days.

"The ministry is going to get me. They've been picking off all the Death Eaters that were involved with the Ministry raid. There are only five of us left. They know we aren't strong with the Dark Lord being so weak." He paused, "I don't know what to do." He sat down across from us in a chair.

"Maybe we can help." Cole suggested leaning forward. "Do they know you were a part of it?"

"I don't know. No one knew until they were arrested."

"We can help with that." I said.

"You can?" he asked looking a little relieved.

"Of course." I said smirking. 


  "We need to come up with a plan." I said sitting in between Cole and Jake on the couch. It was quiet for a minute as we tried to think of a plan.

  "I've got it!" Jake yelled jumping up. "Do you have any extra Death Eater masks?"

  "Yeah, I have everyone's who was captured by the Ministry." Renevan said. Jake smiled,


  ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...      ...    

  And that's where the amazing plan started (Note the sarcasm). I was in Renevan's spare bedroom changing into a black hoodie and black skinny jeans. I was thinking over the plan in my head. It doesn't seem like it's the safest idea, but it does sound kinda fun. I looked in the mirror and put my hair up. I sighed at my reflection and walked out to wait for the others in the living room. 

  When we were all there and dressed Renevan handed us each a backpack.

  "Okay, there's a mask in each of these and Death Eater knifes since I'm guessing you guys didn't bring your own."

  We shook our heads. I didn't even think to bring mine, the possibility of having to stab someone never crossed my mind.

  "You all know the plan right? We aren't going to go in together, so we have to make sure everything is right."

  "I think we are good." I said. "Let's go."

  We walked out of the apartment complex all dressed in matching black. I put my hood up and kept my gaze down as we walked through the crowds of muggles. I stopped in front of the public bathrooms and waited for the others. When they got there I nodded to them.

  "You guys know what to do right?" Renevan asked. We all nodded and split up. I went and waited in line for the woman's bathroom.

  You might find this as a little strange, but it's the only way to the Ministry. So as I stood in the long line I picked out all the witches from the muggles. They were taking forever, and I already couldn't see Jake, Cole or Renevan. I finally made it about five minutes later and quickly went into the stall. I smirked as I stepped in the toilet and flushed it. I whirled around and suddenly appeared in the Ministry.

  I looked around at the high ceilings and different designs. The place would really be more beautiful if I didn't know that all the witches and wizards absolutely hated me. Which is exactly the reason why I kept my head down as I quickly walked through the main part of the Ministry. I pushed through the sea of people trying to ignore the loud talking and typical hustle and bustle of the place. I finally broke free of the crowd a couple minutes later and lightly ran down one of the hallways. I stopped at the end of one of them and looked at my watch. 5:00 p.m. Cole should be done by now. I peeked around the corner before sprinting down the hallway. When I got to the end I saw the two men who guard the Ministers office unconscious and on the ground. Perfect.

  I stepped around the two of them and slowly opened the Ministers door, holding my knife up. I stepped in and saw Cole and Jake already there. They were in defensive positions when they heard me enter.

  "What's the code?" Cole asked testing to make sure it was actually me since we all had our Death Eater masks on.

  "The Dark Lord always wins." I said smirking at the stupid code we quickly made up before leaving Renevan's. 

  I looked from Cole to the Minister who was sitting in his chair behind his desk and looking nervous. Jake was leaning on the desk and Cole was standing off to the side with his arms crossed. Renevan knocked the code, three times fast, two slow, and three more fast, letting us know he was in position and guarding the door. Cole nodded accepting my answer to the code and turned to the Minister as well.

  "So Mr. Minister of Magic, Mr. All Mighty and Powerful. We have a small request." Jake said putting his hand holding his knife on the desk. The Minister gulped nervously and nodded. I smiled at how easily he gave up. Jake cleared his throat and said in a more official voice,

  "We would like for you to take all those files of the Death Eaters who were in the recent Ministry raid and just make them disappear." He said leaning closer. The Minister backed away a little but then regained his composure and sat up straight.

  "I don't know what you're talking about." He said looking at the three of us.

  "Oh don't lie to us, we aren't stupid. We have been told that you have them. And I don't like liars." Jake said angrily pointing his knife at the Minister, who went cross eyed trying to keep his eyes on the approaching weapon.

  "Fine." He said raising his hands up and pushing his chair back. He bent down and opened a drawer. Cole and I stepped forward so we were standing next to Jake. The Minister flipped through the files until he found the ones he was looking for. He threw them on his desk and sat back.

  "Here, these are all the Death Eaters that were involved that we know of." He said taking a deep breath. I picked them up and flipped through them. Renevan and many more people were in the pile.

  "One more small request." Cole said and I could tell he was smirking at the Ministers defeated expression.

  "Don't arrest or abduct any other Death Eaters that were involved in the raid. Got it?" Cole asked emphasizing the "got it" by almost poking the Minister in the nose with his knife. 

  The Minister nodded frantically and I smiled.

  "Wonderful." Cole responded. All of a sudden there was a loud pounding on the Ministers door. 

  "Guys we have to get out of here, now!" 


Cliffhanger!!! Oh how I love to do that. Okay I guess it wasn't that much of a cliffhanger but, eh. I'm feeling generous today anyways. I just posted another story today!!!! It's called Scared, and here is the summary.

 15 year old Caitlyn Burns has a rough life. Her father abuses her both mentally and physically, her mother's given up, and all she has left is her older brother Luke. She's afraid to trust people, afraid they'll hurt her like her father will. She just wants to live a normal life, but her family is holding her back. Will she forever be the victim of her father, or will someone come and help her get through what life is throwing at her.

Please read it, I think it's good, oh wait, that kind of sounds like I'm full of myself... anyways, I'm pretty proud of how the first chapter came out, so I hope you can read it! :)

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