Stories of the Prisoners of Azkaban

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  Hi everyone. I just want to say thank you for the 97 views!! And if you haven't read the authors note before this chapter please do, it's important! Thank you and enjoy. :)

  So, you're all probably wondering what happened to all of us right? We all were taken by the guards, and then what? Well, we went to separate hearings, as promised, and were sent to Azkaban for a week to "teach us a lesson". Renevan didn't have to come though. Luckily we are in a general cell, meaning it's pretty big, and it's me, Cole, Jake, and a some other Death Eaters that have been here forever. Along with a couple everyday lowlifes and criminals. There were two bunks and they were occupied by these two big and scary guys that have been here for a while.

  Cole, Jake, and I have been in here for two days now, and I have to say it's not that bad. Now that could just be the fact that they treat me like royalty here because the Dark Lord is my cousin. I'm not sure, but I would say it's not so bad. There's me and one other woman who's in her early thirties and that's it for girls. There are ten guys in here with us, but they don't try anything, luckily. Cole and Jake stay right by my side just in case.

  I'm guessing it's pretty early right now, though I can't be sure because there are no windows in the cells. Most people were just waking up, they follow their own schedule here. They were stretching and walking around the cell. Cole, Jake, and I were sitting against the wall in one of the corners. The grey walls were cold and hard against my back. I was trying to find a comfortable position, but I was unsuccessful.

  There was a knock on the metal door. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over to the door. The little hatch on the bottom opened and three pre-used and warped metal plates slide through. They each had two slices of old bread on them. That's right, six slices of bread for twelve people. Three people went over and grabbed the plates. They each split the pieces of bread in half and passed out the halves. I guess we're lucky we are in a cell with somewhat nice people, otherwise I think would starve to death. The guy, Steve I think his name is, handed me half of his slice and gave me a small smile. He's one of the Death Eaters that's been here and you can definitely tell. His Azkaban shirt and pants were all torn and dirty. You could see his bony chest and ribs, riddled with scars. His beard was growing back all scraggly because the men are allowed to shave once a month. He walked away and sat on the other side of the cell with some of the other imprisoned Death Eaters. It was silent as everyone slowly ate, savoring the only thing they'll have to eat until tonight.

  The rest of the day was spent doing the "Azkaban workout" as the call it. I consists of push ups, running in place, sit ups, and a bunch of other stuff. We couldn't do too much though because our water and food is limited and not many of the adults have a ton of energy. Meaning everyone took a nap afterwards.

  Okay, I stand corrected. This is so boring. I'm the only one awake and there is literally nothing to do. I stared at the wall in front of me. It was a grey boring wall with some scratch marks from the past people who had gone crazy and desperate. A lot of people go crazy after being in here for long enough. Sitting in a dark and bleak room for a few hours is bad, but being in here all day every day makes me want to rip my hair out just thinking about it.

  I took the time to really look at all the people that are in the cell. There are the three guys that sit in the corner the whole time. They are the only ones who aren't Death Eaters so I think they're a little intimidated. Then there are three guys that are sitting against the wall across from us. Their clothes are pretty much rags they've been here for so long. Everyone else is sitting on our side. I'm sitting in the middle of Cole and Jake. Both of their heads were on my shoulders. Aren't I a great friend? I, you know, just kind of got them in prison for their first time, but hey at least we're together.

  Cole moved his head against my shoulder and snuggled into my side. I smirked. If only he knew, the big bad Cole was snuggling with my arm in his sleep. 

  "Aww isn't that cute." My head shot up to see one of the Death Eaters on the other side of the room, Dan, looking at us. He was one of the old-timers, probably in his mid-thirties and not getting out any time. He was slouched against the wall with a smirk on his face. I didn't say anything in response.

  "Oh is the Dark Lord's little cousin, Lilly Riddle to good to speak to a lowlife to me?"

  "N-no." I stuttered, not always liking it when people knew me first as "The Dark Lords Cousin". I'm my own person you know.

  "Good, because I want to talk to you. It get's boring in here without talking sometimes."

  "I bet."

  "So are you two like a thing?" He asked pointing between Cole and I.

  "No, just friends."

  He smiled looking sad for a minute.

  "I had a girl when I was younger. Probably older than you guys. You're first years right?" I nodded and he continued.

  "We started dating back when we were sixth years. Her name was Riley and I think I loved her. I used to tell her that all the time anyways. We got out of Hogwarts and were planning on starting a new life together. Her family was rich and mine was poor. Her family found out that we were together and her father was furious. He didn't let her see me at all, so she would go out with her friends to meet up with me."

  "Why didn't he let you see her?" I asked tilting my head to the side slightly and unconsciously resting my head on Cole's. He smiled at me again.

  "He didn't think I was good enough for his daughter so he kept me away in hopes she would get over me."

  "Did she?"

  "No, she didn't. It was my fault we didn't work out. I was getting mixed up with bad people and doing bad things. That's around the time I joined the Death Eaters. Just out of Hogwarts was just what the Dark Lord was looking for at the time. He wanted young people to be able to carry out everything he wanted done. About a year or two later Riley found out that I was with the Death Eaters and it crushed her. She didn't want to be dating a killer and criminal. She cried and pleaded with me for weeks, trying to get me to leave the Death Eaters, but as you know, once a Death Eater always a Death Eater."

  "What did you do?"

  "Well, I was planning on running away, but the day before I was going to leave the Ministry found me. I was wanted for two murders that happened about a month before. I went to a hearing and was found guilty. And that's how I ended up here. Got a fifty year sentence. I have thirty years left and I know Riley's moved on by now." He slumped a little lower.

  "I'll be old and have nothing when I get out of here."

  "You could always rejoin the Death Eaters."

  "Yeah, that's assuming they're still around in that long. Don't give me that look. Anything and everything can happen in thirty years."

  "That's true I guess. And I thought my last sentence of a month was a long time."

  He scoffed,

  "Yeah, a month is nothing." 


  Another A/N

  Okay, I think I'm going to have this be the second to last chapter of this book. I know it's short and only like 15 chapters, but I didn't really know what to do with this year in the first place. It was really just supposed to be an introduction to the characters. So, I'm going to give you guys a week to comment on the last chapter for what you think I should do. If no one says anything than I'm just going to make an executive decision.

Until next time... :)

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