Chapter 3: Rosies are Red, Sonics are Blue

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Rosy the Rascal, as she was known by everyone, was OBSESSED with Sonic. Now, fans of Sonic were nothing new. Lots of Mobians have come to really respect Sonic for what he's done for Mobius, especially at his young age. However, Rosy takes all that to the next level.

She can be considered Sonic's biggest fangirl. She even goes as far as to style her quills just like Sonic's. However, for a while she had trouble, as they wouldn't stay in that position. The reason Sonic's quills stick out from behind him is because he runs incredibly fast all the time. And, because Rosy isn't as quick, her quills don't stick as easily. Eventually, she got herself a red headband to hold her quills in place.

Now, aside from the quill-styling, Rosy isn't THAT open to showing her crazy obsession. She could talk all day about how amazing Sonic is very civil, but she would only be extremely mushy about him when no one is watching. Despite her being very private about how crazy she can get about Sonic, a few still found out and make fun of her for it. She doesn't pay much attention to the teasing, though.

Rosy sat on top of the hill, watching her hero run through the fields. She wore a red T-shirt with blue jeans. Her eyes were emerald green, very much like Sonic's, and she also wore gloves like him. She had white and blue running shoes with orange laces. She just watched him with a dreamy gaze and sighed.

Normally, she was a very positive thinking, energetic girl. But, not lately. Recently she's been feeling kinda down. Not to the point where she's completely a depressed stick in the mud or anything, but she's starting to feel that her lifelong dream, actually meeting Sonic in person, isn't going to happen.

She then heard a voice coming from behind her:

"Hey, Rosy!"

It was her friend Yuji. He was a red orange fox with a bright blue shirt, dark blue jeans and bright blue eyes. He was a very good friend to Rosy, as well as one of the few people willing to stand up for her when she's being harassed. He was also the only person she would openly share her Sonic obsession with.

Rosy let out a faint smile at the sight of her friend. She got to her feet and the two of them went for a long walk. As they headed through Green Hill's meadows, Rosy was the first to speak:

"So, Yuji, I hear you're moving away tomorrow..."

Yuji replied:

"Yeah... my new job in the Chemical Plant starts soon."

As they walked side-by-side, their conversation continued:

"I'm glad for you, Yuji. Really, I am!"

"Thanks... but I don't know how you're going to survive those bullies without me to help you..."

"It's okay. I'll manage."

Eventually, the sun began to set as they continued walking through the plains of Green Hill.

"Ya know, Yuji, I'm beginning to wonder if Sonic is truly the one. Of course, I absolutely love him and want him to be mine, but I'm worrying that fate doesn't intend it to be that way. I don't know if I'm EVER going to meet him at all! I really want to know, dang it! I really want to know!"

"Rosy... I think you can easily find out that answer!"


"You have your tarot cards, don't you? You're very good at reading them, so why don't you use those to see if you'll ever get to know Sonic? Heck, if you're lucky, you might even become a friend of his! I don't think Sonic is really interested in a romantic relationship, though."

It was night by the time Rosy and Yuji arrived at her house. Before she went inside, they shared one last hug. Then, Yuji set off for the Chemical Plant, waving goodbye to Rosy as she waved back. Rosy then went inside the house.

After she closed the door behind her, she ran to her room to find her tarot cards.


Sonic was back in his secret hideout, which he had crafted with his own hands. It was several feet underground and was 1/4 the size of a football field. The main way to get in was a tunnel and Sonic would have to curl into his ball form and roll through it down into the hideout. Of course, being a secret hideout, almost nobody knew of its existence, except for Sonic himself.

The hideout was made up of three equally large rooms. The Main Room, which was where Sonic would end up in after going through the tunnel, the Artifact Room, where artifacts found by Sonic would reside, and the garage, where a certain project Sonic was working on was residing. The Chaos Emerald was safe and sound in his artifact room, which was mostly empty, except for the emerald.

He was just relaxing in the main room on the couch eating a delicious chili-dog with the giant supercomputer Nicole in front of him. Her name is technically N.I.C.O.L.E (you guess the full name), but Sonic likes to call her by a regular name, so he refers to her as Nicole.

Sonic was smiling to himself ever since he got back from stopping Robotnik's evil scheme, having an amazing time as always, and once again being prevented from stopping him for good by a STUPID FISH. That was the only part he frowned at upon remembering it. It seems that for some reason every single time Sonic comes close to taking down the Doctor for good, that god-dang fish comes out of nowhere and ruins everything! Thankfully, very few Mobians are aware of THAT.

Nicole spoke:

"Sonic. Your new plane is operational."

Sonic hopped to his feet and dashed into the garage, where his new personal biplane, the Tornado, was residing. It was painted red with its wings white. There was also "SONIC" written on the sides in white.

He had been working on this plane ever since he first got into stopping Robotnik. He always felt he should have a method of air travel, so he can travel to the other islands more easily. He knew Robotnik would eventually start focusing on the other islands, as he would eventually give up on South Island. Nicole had just put the finishing touches on the plane.

Sonic smiled to himself and said:

"Man, it'll be so cool flying this tomorrow!"

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