Chapter 13: Getting Past the Problems

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Sonic came to a gradual stop when he noticed an entrance to some sort-of cave leading under the ground of the zone. He decided to venture down there, hoping to find some golden rings. He walked down slowly, because he was a bit worried that if he went in too fast, he may run into something unpleasant way too quickly. As he stepped into the cave, he noticed that it was incredibly dark. Luckily, this was not an issue for him, as hedgehogs like him could see in the dark perfectly fine.

If another Mobian or rather a human from our world were to walk in, they would not be able to see a single thing down there. As a result, they may not have been able to find their way to what Sonic discovered. Fortunately, Sonic was able to traverse his way through the black and ultimately discover something very interesting.

It was placed on a big windowsill that did not have a window. Think of a glass container of a snake or bird in a zoo, except without that glass and only containing a green gem. At first, Sonic was puzzled. The Chaos Emerald should be back at his hideout on South Island! However, upon looking closer, this gem was in a much different shape than the one he had retrieved from Robotnik several weeks earlier. While that had a more triangular shape, this one was more spherical.

Sonic slowly reached out his right hand and picked up the stone. Upon doing so, he suddenly heard the same deep voice that said "PAST" earlier echo:


Sonic was so startled he dashed out of the cave with the Time Stone still in his hand. He came back out into the light, and as his eyes adjusted to the brightness once again. He remembered what that voice said, "TRAVEL WITH WORDS". Did that mean if he said the time frame he wanted to go, it would take him there? Did he no longer need to find another post? There was only one way to find out.

Sonic stared at the stone and muttered:

"Present time."

Nothing happened.

Sonic said "Present time" multiple times, but it never worked. He then concluded that the stone was operating with only "PAST" and "FUTURE". He was a bit worried that if he said to go to the future he would overshoot and end up way farther then he intended to. But, he needed to take the risk.

Upon saying the time period he wanted to travel, Sonic heard the same voice chant with him at the same time:


Once the word was said, the ground below Sonic opened and the green tunnelway formed below the blue hedgehog. He was then pulled under and sucked through the tunnel. Unlike before, Sonic managed to resist flipping around like crazy and only tumbled once he approached the other end of the tunnel. He shot out the other end at high speed and landed onto the ground on his feet. He screeched to a stop successfully, and looked around to see that he was back in the Present time. The buildings were cyan again and Robotnik's barrier was back.

Sonic then realized something.

"Wait a minute..."


Once her consciousness returned, Rosy's body felt very weighed down. Upon opening her eyes, a bright light shone down on her. As her sight adjusted to it, she realized that she was no longer wearing her green shirt and orange skirt. Despite still wearing her sneakers, she was now wearing a heavy, stiff purple jumpsuit with a silhouette of Robotnik's face on the front pocket. When she barely managed to pull herself up onto her feet, she saw that she was in a sort-of jail cell. The stones that made up the walls of cell had a light grey palette to them, and there was a large metallic door with one tiny circular window in the center of it.

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