Chapter 12: Time for Trouble

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All the way back on South Island, Tails was sitting near the computer in Sonic's underground base watching the whole thing from the POV of Sonic's glasses.

Did you forget he was a part of this?

Tails frantically spoke:

"Sonic! Are you alright?"

Sonic managed to grunt:

"Yep. I'm fine. I just probably got a cracked skull by a mechanical doppelganger. TOTALLY fine."

Tails had a worried feeling about Sonic. He was the first friend he made in a long time, and after roughly a week he might be about to lose him. He managed to ask:

"S-Sonic? Are you going to be okay? Do I need to do something?"

Sonic quickly responded:

"Tails, you've got a broken arm. I don't know if you can help. Besides, I'll find a way off this planet before Doc can enslave it."

"But, Sonic? What about that cast I've been working on?"

Indeed, the fox had been spending the following week working on a new invention: a special type of cast and, while placed over a broken arm or leg, allows the wearer to move their broken spot while the cast heals it. Think of it like an alternate arm or leg switching out the broken one, allowing you to move like it wasn't broken at all, while it slowly fixes the broken one.

Sonic then got an idea. He asked:

"Are you sure it works?"

Tails answered:

"I-It should."

"Well, if it does, go ahead, slip it on, and take the Tornado down here. I'd like you to try and find Robotnik's Winged Fortress and get inside. I'm pretty sure the girl's been taken there, so while you focus on rescuing her, I can focus on finding a weak spot on Robotnik's plan."

"I-I don't know if I can find a way in..."

"I think you can, Tails. As long as you're careful, I think you could be major help in stopping this scheme."


"You can do it, buddy. I believe so."

Tails felt a sudden burst of confidence as he replied:

"Alright, Sonic. I won't let you down!"

As Tails went to get the flying goggles, Sonic called out:

"Remember: be CAREFUL with your arm! I'm pretty sure you know what'll happen if you get hit in that spot!"

Tails' cast, while it does allow movement of a broken arm, has a HUGE danger. If the wearer receives a big enough impact on the cast, HUGE amounts of pain ensue. From Tails' approximation, the pain may last from 3 seconds to 10. But the pain would be worse than any other injury possible to receive.

Tails ran into the garage with the gear on and hoisted himself upward into the cockpit of the plane. He ignited the gas and the engine made the roaring sound engine usually make when they run. The propellers began to spin slowly, then increasing speed until they were spinning the appropriate high speed. He pressed a button on the plane's control panel and the garage remotely opened up. The plane then proceeded forward and flew out the opening. It took off into the skies and Tails soared onward towards Little Planet.

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