Chapter 9: Little Planet

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"Hey, Sonic!"

Sonic was relaxing on the couch in his hideout. His arms behind his head and his eyes closed, he was basically chillin'. His 7-year-old fox friend was trying to get his attention.

"Sonic! Hey, Sonic!"

Sonic opened his eyes and saw his friend standing in front of him holding a peculiar pair of glasses. They had green lens as well as some wires on the sides. He sat up and responded:

"Hey, buddy! What's that you've got there?"

Mr. two tails said:

"These are special glasses! I've placed a camera on these glasses connected to Nicole! While you're out fighting Robotnik, I can scan his stuff for weaknesses from here!"

"Nice thinking, Tails! Why don't we give it a try?"

Sonic hopped of the couch and Tails handed him the glasses. The blue hedgehog placed the two side on his ears and with that his vision became a light shade of green. Tails then ran up to the supercomputer and toggled the camera. Whatever Sonic was looking at, the camera on the computer showed.


Sonic turned to his buddy.

"Tails, I'm going to take a run. Hopefully encounter Robotnik to test the 'scan' aspect of your glasses. Be back in a flash!"

Right as he said that last word, Sonic vanished faster than the blink of an eye. Tails could see on the screen the plains of South Island pass by at high speed.

Sonic, surprised by the fact that the glasses hadn't blown off from the heavy wind, sped towards Central Island; he wanted to see Little Planet before searching for Robotnik.

Little did he know that he would end up finding him anyway.


Rosy had been nursed by the manx and her father after that shock. During this, she learned that the manx's name was Tiara Boobowski, and her father was Gazebo Boobowski. Gazebo was Mobius' most well-known inventor. He and his daughter were also working on plans to stop Robotnik's plans. Sonic ain't the only Mobian rebelling against Robotnik, you know.

Gazebo and Tiara drove Rosy to Little Planet in their buggy. The buggy was big, not as much as the Tornado, and it had a lot of machinery on the sides. It went much faster than Rosy's Breeze.

As they pulled up to the lake, however, they began to notice something was off with Little Planet. Rosy and Tiara hopped out of the buggy and saw that the planet was no longer green and blue. It was almost completely covered in machinery. It had a grey shell around it and there was a large chain that held it in place that went from the planet to a nearby mountain. If a human from Earth saw it, they would most likely compare it to the Death Star.

Rosy remembered the prediction: she would meet the one who "would be there for her" ON the planet. So, she would have to get onto the planet. Unfortunately, the only way on appeared to be the hard way: climb up the mountain and the chain. It also didn't help that the planet was about 150 feet above the lake, meaning that Rosy had to cross the chain with the risk of falling. And she was NOT a pro at the balance beam at the school gym (before Robotnik took it over).

Still, she was willing to take the risk. As she headed towards the mountain, Tiara called out:

"Rosy? Where are you going?"

Rosy replied:

"Up to Little Planet! My tarot cards predicted I will meet someone up there!"

"Rosy, are you INSANE?! In its current state, Little Planet is INFESTED with Robotnik's badniks! It would be a bad idea to go unprepared!"

Tiara called Rosy over and Gazebo opened up a crate from the trunk of the buggy. It contained tons of gadgets, but one that would be useful for Rosy was:

"My crossbow. Should any badniks jump out at you, one or two bolts from this thing will blast them to pieces."

Tiara pulled out a bundle of bolts and loaded the crossbow. The crossbow itself was a slightly dark shade of green with a single trigger at the bottom. It could hold about 8 bolts at a time.

Another thing (or things) Rosy received from Tiara was a pack of small squares (almost like inedible metal crackers) with lime spheres in the center.

"This is a three-pack of shields. These will protect you from hazards only for so long. We only have three of these, and once you take a hit the shield vanishes. So, use these wisely."

Rosy placed the shields into a small pocket she had on the right side of her green shirt. Tiara then said:

"Dad and I will try and warn everyone in the area about Robotnik's scheme. Good luck on finding that person you're supposed to meet."

Rosy replied:

"Thanks. Also, thanks for driving me here."

"Don't sweat it."

As Tiara and Gazebo drove off to find other residents of the area, Rosy began climbing the mountain which the chain connected it and Little Planet. She knew that this was a HUGE risk, being that Robotnik had taken over the area. But, hopefully Sonic would find a way to stop him. Perhaps he would even be that person the tarot cards said she would meet?

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