Chapter 8: A "Peaceful" Day in Lake Valley

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Ahh.... Lake Valley.

Located near the edge of Central Island, this place is considered one of the most peaceful locations on Mobius. It may not be the most high class, but if you were there, it would look gorgeous. There are lots of Mobian-crafted houses connected by ginger sidewalks. And, of course, there is a large lake, one of the largest on Mobius as a matter of fact, right behind it.

Such a peaceful place... especially with the giant robot rampaging through it trying to murder an eight year old pink hedgehog.

The mechanical beast pursued Rosy throughout the village. Nothing appeared to stop it. Rosy clearly didn't have the nerve to look behind her, so she just kept running as fast as she could away from the beast. It wasn't so easy, though. At one point, she ran through a space between two houses next to each other. The robot, using its electric plier, stabbed through the house on its left. It then thrusted right, tearing out the side. As the left house collapsed, the machine vertically chopped the house on the right in half. Were there poor people in those houses that got crushed? I'm not going to tell you.

Rosy charged down the dirt road street between houses. The robot pursued her, with the electric plier charged up even more than before. It then swung its right arm back and forth, like you would throw a javelin, and revealed that it's arms are extendable. The pliers flew forward towards Rosy and hit her in the back, instantly electrocuting her. Thankfully, this didn't kill her, but any higher volt would have.

Rosy was shocked (literally) as she was blasted forward at a way too high speed to be in control. She tried to stop herself, but as she placed her feet on the dirt ground, she didn't stop, instead flipping upside down and soaring straight into a village house's door. She came in so fast that the door was knocked off its hinges and it, along with Rosy, flew backward into the house. Rosy hit the floor and slid straight into the kitchen, finally coming to a stop.

Rosy was paralyzed from the shock and couldn't get up. No matter how hard she tried, her body just WOULDN'T MOVE! She couldn't even open or close her eyes! She was unsure how close behind her the robot was.

Said robot approached the house and prepared to tear it down like the two houses before. It focused its mechanical eyes on the house as it charged up its electricity. However, before it could make its move and obliterate Rosy, a loud whistle was heard from the top of a house nearby. The robot turned to it's right and saw a ten year old female Manx with brown fur, blue eyes and cream skin. She wore a red tube top with blue jeans and large yellow sneakers. She also had brown hair, which was in a ponytail. She was also carrying a silver bucket of water.

Without hesitation, the Manx tossed the bucket from the roof and it, water and all, came down upon the robot. The water completely soaked the machine, and as you humans probably know, water and electricity don't mix. So, the robot began to spaz out and shudder uncontrollably. Despite that, it still managed to lock onto the Manx and shoot it's pliers at her. She immediately jumped off the roof as the pliers just barely missed her. She landed right on her feet behind it. She quickly backed away as the robot, still malfunctioning, toppled over backwards. It hit the ground with a loud CRASH. The fan on the top of it's head came right off, landing on the ground horizontally.

Despite ALL THAT, the robot still wouldn't die. It slowly managed to lift it's head to stare down the Manx. It then raised it's plier arm to try and get her again. However, before it could fire, another Manx, who can be referred to as the girl's father, arrived. Even though he was a relatively young man, he appeared to have white hair and a red lab coat. He also wore darker blue jeans and yellow boots.

He, in quick succession, rotated the robot's pliers 90 degrees to face it's head, then immediately backed off. By the time the robot noticed this, it had already fired. The pliers shot forward and tore through the robot's skull, tearing out the brain system inside. The pliers had gone straight through the behemoth's head, going in one side and coming out the other. The two red eyes began blinking rapidly and the rest of the robot's body continued to shudder until it finally deactivated.

The young Manx and her father quickly ran to the doorless house and found Rosy, who had now fallen unconscious. The two looked at each other.


Despite Rosy's head start, Robotnik's Winged Fortress managed to reach Never Lake, and in turn Little Planet, first. Robotnik, in the control room, got his first good look at the planet. It looked like a life-supporting planet with lots of continents. Of course, since it's a small-looking planet, these continents appeared small as well.

Robotnik smiled as he stared at the planet. He diabolically said:

"Very soon... oh, very, very soon, Little Planet will be MINE! Scratch! Chain the planet down!"

Scratch, who was at another control panel, replied:


Scratch opened the "shoot chain" option in the control panel. He aimed the turret at the planet and fired. These chains are dispensed like toothpaste and have a claw on each end to latch them onto the ground. Basically, fire once and one end of the chain will attach to one place. Fire a second time and the other end will attach somewhere else. Of course, since Scratch was REALLY SMART, he ended up shooting the first end of the chain straight into one of the small lakes on the planet. This would make the claw malfunction and not work properly. Oblivious to this, Scratch then fired the other end towards the ground 70 feet below.

Scratch turned to Robotnik and boasted:


Unfortunately, as he said this, the first end of the chain that ended up in the oceans of Little Planet came down from the planet and landed in Never Lake straight below the planet. Water from the lake was splashed onto the grass. This didn't damage Robotnik's ship, but no progress on taking over the planet had been done.

Robotnik yelled:


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