onew issue

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first and foremost - what are y'all hoes still doing on this book! go check out my other book before i get the slipper on your asses. but read this chapter still xx

so, yet again, it has come to my attention that onew (shinee one) is hated by korea bc he was a dumbass. sorry shinee fans but y'all idol is a fucktard.

so some context for those who dont have a clue on what i'm saying and those who are about to bash me for cussing their oPpA! he went to a club with his friends at like 5 am and he got so so so drunk, like off his head, that he started touching up a girl and she reported it as sexual harrassment and the police got involved.

so from the information i'm getting, onew ur actual trash wth.

to the fans who are defending the absolute shambles situation, you're actually messed up in the head. put urself in the victim's shoes and imagine if ur harrasser was being supported by people! you would feel pretty worthless, right?

i had enough of fans who defend their oppas for every fucking thing under the sun. your idols have the capability (clearly) to committ criminal or just plain disgusting acts, and that does not mean as a fan you should defend him. fans are supposed to support their idols mainly for their music and also their on screen personality. onew fans, you support onew: not jinki (his real name). on screen, he shows a different persona than he'd ever act in real life, to garner fans obv. so stop acting like you know and understand him. he was in the wrong!

i absolutely fucking cant stand fans who go 'BUT HE'S SUCH A SWEETHEART, HE'S SO PURE/INNOCENT/ETC' nO he fucking isn't! you don't know him irl! i cant believe fans actually fall for their idol's onstage persona. no idol is perfect. what they show on screen is perfection (great personality, humurous, happy all the fucking time). outside the cameras, they're regular grumpy people who work just like the rest of us. so dont expect onew to be some pure, perfect person. bc he isnt.

dont get me wrong. i love shinee, and onew is gr8, but he fucked up.

and we should all respect and understand that.


ly guys xoxox

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