amber liu

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yo yo yo i'm back and i'm gonna update like a bitch so prepare your newsfeed BITCHES. ive missed you all <3

so firstly im gonna address a previous chapter where i said amber is a queen. well bitch let's just say i take that shit BACK. she's trash, unfollowed on instagram and everything.

by the way, i have a dedicated instagram account where i just post memes and stuff. shall i put it on here???? :D i wanna make some friendsss.

anyways, so the issue is: HER THAT FUCKING BITCH UGH. she was trending a few months ago for how she handled a certain type of sensitive situation. for y'all who are not aware of what she did, i'll explain:

she was in the us promoting in november when she appeared on a youtube clip where her and some other lady were reacting to a black man getting arrested for eating a fucking sandwich. her dumb, not even ignorant bc how can u be ignorant at this fucking day and age as a millenial active on social media, fucking stupid ass started defending the police. below is the video at question.

so as a black person myself, to fucking see an idol that i actually really loved and looked up to defending an institution inherently anti-black (there's enough proof showing that police in north america are fucking racist, aka police brutality to black people) makes me feel sick to my stomach.

i'm not saying i'm anti-fed or whatever but that video clearly contained an INNOCENT black man eating a sandwich and being arrested for it. if anything, it's just providing more evidence against the police and showing their anti-blackness. if the man was white, would the police show the same energy? the answer is no.

before anyone tries to use that bs excuse of her being ignorant, amber liu is an american person. she aligns herself more to america than to asia, blatantly. she's been promoting in the us since 2017 ish and is friends w many black people based on her instagram and twitter. so why the FUCK would she say anything like this? if i was her friend, that bitch is getting dropped.

for me, it's personal. anyone, regardless of their status, who defends this corrupt institution in situations like this already gets judged x1828282 by me so to hear it's from one of my fav idols??? trash. fucking trash.

sorry, yall. i'm unstanning, cancelling etc her. bc i'm not going to sit around allowing someone to ignore #blacklivesmatter and everything black people have fought against whilst sitting in a position of privilege bc she CAN say this shit. she can say this since police brutality has only affected black people. i'm not trynna say her privilege is the same as white privilege but it's more of a privilege than black people, fr.

so this is my rant, yall. i want yall to know who ur stanning so u can make decisions.

btw if i didnt hype obsession already BITCCHHHHHH
- dw

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