wattpad authors

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first of all, another advertisement to read my other book <3 i have updated it yet again with a jikook fanfiction!! and read the other chapters too bc i do have some lit recommendations <3

okay i'm here to rant about something AWAYYYY from the korean music industry and onto wattpad, but it still has to do with kpop.

this is the ultimate peeves of wattpad readers.

01. the impatient readers.
i had enough of the readers who dont have an ounce of compassion towards the writers who take fucking ages to put together a chapter for your undeserving ass. BE GRATEFUL WHEN A WRITER UPDATES THEIR BOOKS. writers dont do this for money; they spend their own free fucking time to write and update a chapter, and its not a short time. writing up a chapter for me at least takes around two/three hours depending on how long the chapter is or how blank my mind is. so pleaaaaaaaase do noTTTTTTT comment 'update pls' numerous amounts of times bc its so fucking rude.

02. fans who complain about a chapter
those fans who are like 'oh this is so cliché', 'ugh i hate this book bc a didnt get with b' and bs like that are so fucking disrespectful bye. if ur not happy with a book's outcome, make ur own fucking book and then make it ur own outcome. dont expect a book to be catered only to u — be happy that people are actually making books with picky people like u tbh. fuck off and be respectful u good for nothing annoying ass.

03. grammar and spelling mistake nazis
u spent 4737283 hours writing a chapter hurriedly bc of the hordes of annoying asses begging you to update your godforsaken chapter and there's that one user (lets call them imnevergonnagetsomebcimsofuckingretarded) comments on every single paragraph with bullshit.

imnevergonnagetsomebcimsofuckingretarded: its you're* not your

imnevergonnagetsomebcimsofuckingretarded: you spelt imadouchebag wrong

imnevergonnagetsomebcimsofuckingretarded: its past tense (although thats the most minor problem bc im a fucking rude asshole that needs to shut the fuck up)

no author wants a supposed english major dickhead commenting OHHH I DONT WANNA BE RUDE BUT YOU SPELT THIS WRONG all over their book. p.s. i dont wanna be rude does not soften the blow in any way, it is still 👏🏽 fucking 👏🏽 rude. so please shut up and enjoy the damn chapter u mean bitches.

04. y'all who spoiler alert
so u waited a month for the last chapter where the two protagonists are supposedly gonna get together (lets say jungkook and jieun huehuehue if you know you know), and ur reading the chapter waiting for the sex scene cuz they just became a couple and you're hyped as fuck, and then some ABSOLUTE PRICK goes on the comment section and does this.

imsuchadickhead: oh my god jungkook dies!

so u sit on ur sofa/bed/carboard box like:

and then u feel like u want to fucking kill urself cus u waited half ur life for that damn chapter to find out halfway that jungkook dies of cancer BECAUSE SOMEONE CANT KEEP THEIR SHIT TO THEMSELF

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and then u feel like u want to fucking kill urself cus u waited half ur life for that damn chapter to find out halfway that jungkook dies of cancer BECAUSE SOMEONE CANT KEEP THEIR SHIT TO THEMSELF. ok i understand ur sad and all, but haVE SOME AUDACITY TO THINK OF THOSE WHO ARE READING IT!

oh my god, this is why i couldn't read harry style's after bc onE chapter in i found out tess's bff is actually a bitch and then whEN i called the assfaces on it, they said 'thats ur fucking fault for not reading fast enough' and also 'dont read the comment section if u dont expect to get spoiler alerts'. IM LIKE WHAT THE FUCK! i read the comment sections bc the inline comments make the book even more lit than it already is! ppl reading with u make it like y'all are some squad!

so please be a little bit more considerate to those reading and kindly shut the fuck up or comment someone that isn'T THE ENDING!

thank you for reading this chapter y'all ily all and anticipate EXO'S POWER!!! 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾

stay lit
- dw

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