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It was cold, and damp, and dark, and scary.
Where am I?
Suddenly, Jack was awoken by a cold sensation on his neck. To his surprise and horror, he looked down to find a knife at his throat, about to slit it. Then the knife pulled away into the darkness.
"Well hello, Jack" spoke a voice that sounded deep and distant, not at all like anti.
"Shut up, he wasn't supposed to know that you're here," spoke a second voice, this one was fluctuating between low and high, while glitching frecuently. Yep, that's anti, but who's the other person?
"Hey, I'm up and I am in wherever you put me, so how about you show yourselves, and put up a real fight!" Jack yelled across the dark space. Then, out from the dark, cold shadows came Anti, the one and only Antisepticeye himself, but no one else. Where was the other person?
Then, out of the shadows came...


"If you think I'm Markiplier, well then, you're dumber then I gave you credit for. I'm not Mark, I'm his disease, or as you know me...


He said his own name in a way that sent a shiver down Jack's spine. Angry, but there was more to it, like it was justified anger. Anger that was caused by something, or someone, other than this situation, it was truly terrifying.
Then, suddenly, Anti rushed to him with a knife at his throat.
"You will let me go on your channel and corrupt you viewers or I will slit your neck and...

Kill you."

Jack responded.
"Well okay then, bye bye" He cackled cruelly before slitting the throat of the one and only Jacksepticeye. Then Darkiplier laughed his cruel, deep laugh as he walked up to Jack and said one word.


And then everything went black.

A/N This will have other parts but this is just a start, if you read this, Thank you so much!!! See you in the books!

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