People Suck

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This is an A/N sorry, skip if you must.

I know so many authors that are getting hate for stupid reasons on here and irl. It makes me furious. I care about an authors well being as well as their writing. And then people go dissing their writing because it's "too descriptive." Like what the fuck kind of reason is that. What. The. Hell.

Some time I wish that the plague would come, but only affect stupid and mean people. Like shut up! People like bullies, people who get all Fs, (like one or two okay, three eh, but all Fs) homophobes, transphobes, (I cn spel) and just jerks in general.

Why are people so terrible!

Like just. What. The. Fuck.

Sorry, I needed to rant. Thanks for reading if you did. I have a story to post after this so look forward to that... if you like my writing.

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