By Chance

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Hey, this story is an assignment I wrote for my English class. I changed the names to protect my identity, along with my family's. It will be long and I accept feedback, just try to make it constructive. Thanks :) This may not be accurate, so cut me some slack. I didn't have much time to research.

I have also decided to make this my entry into SmilleeFace11's writing comtest, go check them out. Seriously, their writing is amazing! So anyway, I hope you enjoy!

I remember it like it was yesterday, even though it was a year ago.

    Loud, bright, hot, cold, dark, light. What's going on?

    I found myself brought back to reality by my mother's voice shouting at me. Shouting to get up. Shouting that we had to leave. Something about bombs too. But my vision was too blurry. I didn't want  to move, I couldn't. She was shaking me now, shouting in my face that I had to get up. I finally open my eyes to see my mother holding my shoulders, shaking me. My brother was crying behind her, and my other mom was, presumably, packing her stuff in the other room. I turned my head slightly to look out the window. I noticed the smoke in the sky.

    "What- What's going on?" I asked, still a little out of it.

    "Crystal! Oh thank god! I thought I would have to take you to the hospital. You were out cold!" My mother exclaimed, very relieved.

    "Okay, but they still doesn't answer my question, mom!" I retorted.

    "I was about to say," she started, "We need to go! The war is getting too close!"

    "What does that mean?" I asked, still confused.

    "It means we have to pack up our things and run away to a camp, where we'll be safe." she said.

    "What about my friend, Dianna?" I asked, worriedly.

"She's fine Crystal, shes at a camp too" My mom said hurriedly, "Now let's go!"

"Wait!" I half-yelled, "Is she at the camp we're going to?"

"No, now come on!"

    At the time, I didn't know how much coming to a camp would change my life. I haven't seen Dianna in a year, and I may never see her again. There is hardly enough food here, and I sleep in the same tent as my mothers and brother. This camp is cramped and I can hardly go on my phone because there's almost no electricity here and I have to help wash clothes in a bucket with a metal washer. This place is boring. My mom says that I should be grateful that I'm not dead, but I just wish that we didn't have to be here. We're only here thanks to President Assad

    Brrrrrring, brrrrrring, brrrrring!

    I wake up to the sound of my alarm, stretching and turning on the covered floor. I did get a good amount of sleep, considering I now sleep on the bumpy, dirty floor. I sit up and realize that my alarm has woken up my mom too.

    "Oh hey Crystal," my mom yawns.

    "Hi mom, hey where's mom?" I asked.

    "Huh, I don't know. Well, she'll show up eventually." My mom says, "I think Logan is still asleep."

    I leaned over to look at my younger brother, Logan. My mom was right, he is still asleep. He almost never wakes up with the alarm, he's a pretty heavy sleeper.

    "Logan. Logan wake up." My mother cooed.

    His eyes fluttered open and he sat up. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes he says, "Wha-What? Why am I up? Are we doing something today?"

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