Little Soulmates

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I'm back! Sorry about not updating as often as other people. I have many more ideas in store, so maybe I'll be able to update more frequently. Anyway, here's a new story. Read on!

Patton's POV

I was very excited for school today. I had woken up before either of my dads did, so I tried to make myself a sandwich. I think I did it.

"Good morning, Patton," said Papa.

I just noticed my papa, Roman, come into the kitchen. "G'morning Papa." I replied, "Where's Dad?"

"Sleeping in, as usual." He chuckled, shaking his head fondly at Dads habits.

I had a question on my mind. I heard my parents talking about when they first met each other, calling each other their "soulmate." They were also talking about how they could see color. I could only see in black and white. I didn't know why, so I thought I would ask.

"Hey Papa?" I asked.

"Yes, Patton"

"Why can't I see color?"

I saw Papa almost choke on his drink, spitting most of it out.

"W-What?" He asked.

"I heard you and Dad talking about colors and 'soulmates.' Also, what are soulmates?" I explained.

"Well," he started, "Your soulmate is a person who is 'bound' to you in a sense. As soon as you meet them you fall in love with them and they love you back. Once you touch your soulmate for the first time, your whole world lights up with color. Does that make sense, Patton?"

That sounds adorable. I wonder how Dad and Papa met. "Yup, that makes sense."

My Papa checked the clock. "Oh goodness!" he yelled, "We need to go and get you off to the bus."

"What about Dad?" I asked.

"You'll see him after school, okay Patt."

"Okay Papa"

*Time Skip to School Starting*

I was sat at my desk drawing hearts when the teacher got the classes attention.

"Okay class, we have a new student today." He told the class, in a loud voice. "Would you like to introduce yourself?" He quietly asked the boy standing next to her.

Wow... He's cute. He has glasses just like mine and is wearing a polo and tie kinda like the teacher. Except the teacher has a light colored tie and a vest over it. And the new student has a black polo and a dark tie.

The boy looked around the class and proudly spoke.

"Hello. I am Logan. I just moved to this neighborhood and I like to read. I'm happy to join this class." The teacher seemed impressed with Logan, for some reason.

*Time Skip to Recess*

I was out at recess sitting under a tree doodling by myself. I looked around at everyone and soon saw the new kid reading a book. A BIG book. How can he read that? It looks hard. Why is he alone? Maybe I should talk to him. So he's not alone. Yeah, I'll do that. I walk over to him.

"Hey, are you Log-Log-/Logan" I said stuttering on the g.

"Yes," he replied, "Why are you here?"

"I saw you sitting here alone and thought that you could use a friend."

"Oh... Well, lets see. What is your name?"

"Patton. I would ask your name, but I already know it."

"I guess you do. So, tell me about yourself."

"Well," I started, I was kinda nervous, "I like to draw. I have two dads. They can see color, but I can't. And that's about it."

"Oh, okay." he said also seeming nervous, "I have two parents, they are both what is called non-binary, meaning not a boy or girl, and I like to read."

"Oh... do you want to keep reading your book?"

"If you don't mind." he said, gently, so as to not seem rude.

"I don't mind if you read. Do you mind if I stay here?" I asked.

"No, I suppose not," he responded.

I shuffled closer, so as to see his book. It doesn't have pictures!! How does he read this. I shuffle closer. His shoulder bumps against mine. Then, my whole world lights up.

"Woah..." I breathe, standing up.

"What. What happened?" he asks, before gasping, and standing as well.

"Can you see them to? That means we're..."

"Soulmates." He cuts me off.

Suddenly, the recess bell rings. I turn to Logan and hold out my hand. He takes it caustiosly. After we get to class I go up to the teacher. I can now see that his tie is pink. How do I know the name? Oh well.

"Mr. Picani?" I ask.

"Yes Patton, what is it?" he asks, gently.

"Why do you wear a pink tie?"

"Well I... wait, how did you know it was pink?" he asked seeming shocked.

"I bumped into Logan, sort of, and now I can see color." I explained.

He stood shocked for a second, then pulled Logan up to the front.

"Logan," he started, "Can you see color now, as well?"

"Yes, Mr. Picani. I can."

He stood, shocked, for a second then seemed deep in thought.

"Okay boys, just go back to your seats and tell your parents about what happened when you get home."

*Time Skip to Patton Going Home*

I got off the bus and knocked on my door. Papa opened it. His outfit looks amazing with color. A white t-shirt with a crown on it, brown pants, and a red belt. He must have noticed my expression because he brought me inside and went to get my dad. Dad's outfit looked amazing! A ripped purple shirt, with a black jacket that had purple patches in it. He also noticed and asked what was wrong.

"Patton. Whats up buddy?" Dad asked.

"Well," I said, nervous to tell them, " There was a new kid in class today and his name is Logan. During recess, I sorta bumped into him and..." I cutoff, not sure how to say it.

"And... " Dad said, probably fearing the worst.

"Well, lets just say... I love the purple patches on your shirt!" I said, slightly quickly.

They both looked shocked. Dad looked a slight bit scared and Papa looked amazed. I didn't know what to think. Why was Dad scared? Are they happy? Whats happening?

Dad must have noticed my panic because he started to calm himself down and talk to me.

"So..." he said, "You met your soulmate... in kindergarten. Okay."

"Isn't this amazing!" Papa shouted.

"No!" Dad shouted, startling me and Papa.

"I mean," he said, "your too young for love."

I saw where Dad was coming from, I've heard that love is a rough battlefield. But I don't like Logan like that yet. I know what will ease Dad, while still keeping Papa happy.

"Well Dad, maybe I could continue being friends with Logan until we're both old enough." I said.

"Yeah," he breathed, "yeah, you could do that, just no dating!"

"Ok Dad." I responded.

*Time Skip to School the Next Day*

"Hey Logan!"

"Hello Patton."

I had this idea and thought I would write it. Again, sorry about updating my story so sporadically. I have a lot of ideas so maybe I'll be able to update more often. So anyway, I guess I'll..

See you in the books!

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